Any Mums & Babies based in London?

Hi All

I wondered if there were any parents & babies of course based in London using LR, LM & LMS? I wondered if anyone wanted to meet up in London on a regular basis, just to share parenting ideas, tips, thoughts etc. I have a 7 month old daughter…we are in North-East London and my daughter’s been using LR, LM for over a month and we just started her on LMS.

It would be great to meet up, especially as we don’t know many other families who are familiar with BrillKids, right-brain education etc.

Please personal msg me if interested.


Yes me! Been doing LR since my Lo was 9 months and he’s now almost two. Would love to meet up I am based in sw London.


Hi Iris

I have sent you a personal msg. Look forward to hearing from you.
