Any mom still uses real flashcard?

When I first read Teach your baby to read the flashcards sounded like a lot of work. So I started making PPT slides. She does watch them but they don’t hold her attention. A friend of mine also started with PPT and had the same issue with her 5 month old. She started making flashcards and said the he pays a lot more attention to them than he did the computer. She also said it wasn’t that hard to make the cards if you had a list and schedule you were working with. I plan to start making cards, and maybe come back to the computer when she’s a little older.

I’m new here. Earlier this month I began the Doman program with my 5month old. It was hard to get him to focus everything was a distraction for him. So I made the cards and have been using them for a few weeks. It is 100% easier for him to focus on the cards than the computer screen at this point.

Me, I am still using real flash cards. We have YBCR word cards & game cards, and my babies love it. I used to make my own flash cards with self-sealing laminating pouches, but I saw the YBCR double-sided sliding word & picture card on youtube, I liked the idea that you can pull the card & there will show the photo describing the word. So I convinced my hubby to buy one, we just bought the YBCR books set since we already have YBCR DVDs & it’s really worth the money.

i still use really flashcards for everything
it’s not that i think they are better in any way
it’s just that i can’t keep organized with little reader and other computer programs
i have a printed chart where i can keep track of all her lessons
so hopefully i will find a way to incorporate little reader

I have used YBCR with my daughter since she was 3 months but she seems bored of it lately so I read Doman’s book and have started making my own flashcards since she turned 1. She seems more interested since it is more interaction with me. We still show her YBCR occasionally.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone had found a wide accordian file folder or something like that to store your words when they’re not in use? I looked online and couldn’t find anything that wide (mine are up to 22" wide).

Can you upload a sample of your printed chart? I use a schedule entered in a calendar and will post it in another thread.
Thanks a lot.

We used real flash cards until a few months ago, when we stopped “cards” altogether and focus more on hands-on learning. We have over 2,000 Bits of Intelligence, the Glenn Doman Math Dots, and we write our own word cards. We hope to use the cards again with blessing #2

What do you mean by ‘Hands-on’ learning. Is it show the actual object like going to a park? It is not showing the Bits of intelligence etc? I understando both of them complement each other.

By hands-on-learning, I mean going to the zoo. Digging in the dirt. Playing with plastic dinosaurs. Whatever REACHES your child, and whatever is FUN for both of you is what will work!!

Dude, TexasLady, you guys should get crackilackin’ on number two! :slight_smile:

Stay tuned…I’m sure there will be another Doman baby in our house before too long…

Omimama: My daughter is 10 months now and only starting to enjoy looking at the screen. I started showing her PPT at 6 months, Little Pim at 8 1/2 & LR at nine months and she would turn her head away, look for something to grab etc… Following advice on this forum, I’ve been persistant, and now she get very happy when she sees words on LR. i should add I do a playlist of several things (as she does look away a fair bit still) and it is automatic.

Woo-hoo! Yay! :slight_smile:

I definitely want another baby soon, but it’ll have to wait a bit :frowning:

I have used real flashcards since the beginning, but do also use LR. I find teaching reading is easiest when using as many sources as possible - so we point out words to Laurana wherever we see them. Recently her grandmother found out she can read plenty of words and bought her a set of flashcards she found somewhere - the writing is slightly smaller than I have been using and written in red (I have used black up til now) and they have pictures on the back which was great. Laurana surprised me by recognising a good number of the words.

I am now using Little Reader mainly to write personal stories for Laurana and for recapping words she knows in sentences and phrases

I do not have LR but thought that it was about showing FLASHCARDS personalizing figures like parents photo and keeping a record. How do you write personal stories?

I have also made my own laminated flash cards for Sive. She has her own table and chairs in the family room where she has access to her “learning” (flash cards, colouring in books, play dough etc) material at all times. We often have the whole floor strewn with the cards!

I use LR with photos I have taken of my daughter to write a story about her day. If we have a whole collection of photos of her at the park then I’ll introduce words about the park and then write a short story about her day at the park - one sentence followed by a picture. I am basically using LR to make the home-made books that Glen Doman suggests except that to make a book takes a lot more time than using LR and this way I also don’t have the expense of printing out photos all the time.