Any Mom Bloggers Out There?

Annisis - what do you mean you have big dreams it will be more than a mum blog? Whatare your aims?

Ultimately, it will be a personal blog showcasing all my major life umm… functions, for lack of a better word. And if I can find the time to dedicate to it, the blog will promote my novel series that I am slowly developing and personal artwork. Perhaps even sell a little? :blush:

Right now, however, I can only devote adequate time to my son’s education. :slight_smile: No complaints here, though.

I’m so excited to see everyone’s blogs! Thanks for sharing! I have a personal blog and a homeschool blog: Feel free to follow me and if you leave me a comment with your blog I will follow you as well! Also seems how all you are interested in teaching kids please please please leave a comment or two on the blog if you check it out and let me know what you do with your kids! I am always looking for new things to do with my two daughters!

From Utah

We have a blog :

Mine is

Great list!

I started mine too:

Good job guys!!Beautiful blogs :slight_smile:

Great work moms. I know there was another blog thatI cameacross in this forum, I seemed not to add have added to my favs. I cant find it now. It was babyandme…not sure. But was a good blog too

I’m pretty sure I didn’t post here already… :mellow:

Mine is

There was a blog I came across and thats

Does it need to be about early learning/kids etc? I just started one about healthy living tips. It’s still a work in progress, but I have a lot of cool ideas!

It looks your baby is doing great.

Do you a video of him in which he is reading?


Thanks purplefungi for the recommendations! Here is our blog about doing home work/ home school and I will defiantly follow these others.

Hi to all u lovelyladies and great dads,

I am a mom to a lovely little 7 month old baby. Well I just wanted to let u all know that I started blogging and would love to hear ur comments and suggestions.
Pls visit me at :

Also pls subscribe to get my updates :slight_smile:

I just started a blog…its about me and my daughter and my adventures in early education…only two posts so far.

Visited your blog …
Hope to see more articles from your blog.


I just noticed this post now, so I thought I’d add my blog :slight_smile:

I started this blog hoping to inspire other parents to help their children with Down syndrome reach for the sky! My daughter was reading words, before she was 2 years of age & reading books by 3.5 years. I believe kids with Down syndrome can do amazing things if we give them the right tools. I truly believe high expectations can make a tremendous difference in the lives of our children! Check out the earlier posts with videos of my dd reading at 2 & 3!

I am also a mum blogger, I blog about being a mother, as well as various other subjects, I have a feeling as Rona and I travel down the road of Early Learning, I will blog about that more

My blog is :

Its about a little bit of everything. Mostly educating my daughters and the fun stuff we do :>)

My mission is to give parents the tools and resources to give their children a passion for learning.