Any Mom Bloggers Out There?

I am thinking about blogging… I’ve got a lot to say about a lot of things and it’s hard to keep my opinions bottled up inside, when I’m so darn opinionated. (In case that hadnt escaped anyone’s attention). And of course I want to blog about my fave topic… baby education. Cos no-one in my town seems interested in the topic!!
Just have to read up on how to do it… if anyone wants to save me time an PM me that would help.

This is very old but i think it is worth knowing other forum members that have a BLOG. Maybe they can Update.

That’s right 2010 BEBES , I started blogging last month. As most of you know I believe in Montessori method, some Waldorf education , right brain education and modern education. I just get the most “fun” activities from all of them and work with my little one. Here is my blog,

2010 BEBES - I blog on Babylicious. Wasn’t always talking about early childhood education but lately have started to focus more on it.

I have been following your blog almost since you start it. Congratulations, it gives us a lot of good and inspiring ideas to do with my grandson. keep the good work.

Wuau… you have been blogging since May 2006. I do not know how can you maintain or update the blog having 3 children and doing all the educational stuff.
as we say herre in peru, I really take my hat before you. What a marvelous mom.
Karma for your work

Really PY, I didn’t know that was you! Your Blog is great!

I have a blog, its I’m also having some giveaways. The current one is Trebellina, and the next one is Monkisee MonkiDo :slight_smile:

I must say, I read a lot of blogs but don’t have one of my own. I think it’s great that BKids is promoting others, though. The more conversation, the better.

I love this site.

Starlight, PY and others,

It would be nice to see your blog link on your signature. that way we can referred to it more often.
Hope it helps.

Lappy, just about to start blogging and wondering if that Media bloggers list is still going, because neither of your links work. Thanks!
Will let you all know when it’s up and running.

Ooo, so many new blogs to read! I blog daily at Our Busy Homeschool about my family’s adventures.

this is mine… :slight_smile:

So glad to see more mom’s who blog! I’ll be adding all of you to try and get to know more families who are dedicated to their children’s education!
Adrienne McElwain

I have a blog! It is new so any feedback would be very much appreciated! I already have three followers, woo hoo! Haha, i’m easily excited!! It is, check it out! I was just thinking, if I do have another baby (we’ve been chatting about this in another thread), I’ll have to change my name from AussieMumofOne to AussieMumofTwo! Didn’t really think that through now did I!

I’ve just started blogging, too! I’ve only written a handfull of entries so far, but feedback would still be welcome!

What is the address of your blog Ezhik and I will check it out!

ummmm… kinda. I want to add more posts, but I find it so difficult to cover something that other great mom blogs haven’t touched on already.

And plus, I plan on it being more that just a mom blog. BIG dreams. :yes:

cool I will check it out!

Ezhyk, you can add your blog address to your signature.

Great to see so many mommy bloggers. They are great inspiration of ideas to nonblogers like us. Commenting on a mommy blog above…Even if you guys can’t think of anything new to add, its great to see everyones plans of the day and what activities you have planned and completed for the day. I really suggest everyone mentioning their plans for the week/month. Everyone’s view point differs so I don’t think it really matters whether someone else wrote the same thing. Good work you guys and much Thanks :D.

Fellow blog reader.