any ideas for home based/telecommuting job?

Hi, I’m new!

“I have a question…
While taking care of my kid at home I still have some time to work, using our laptop.
Do you know any serious things I can do and be paid for? I didn’t enter the forum to find something to work, the idea has just came up these days. You see, in my case, the financial support from the local authorities isn’t enough for my child (is less than mothers receive normally for their kids, just because I didn’t fit anywhere in the law we have today for mothers of 0-3 year olds).”

The quoted is a message I sent to Shuki, who answered me and gave me the idea to look onto and also start a topic here.

So, dear parents, does anyone have any other ideas? :wub:

I would appreciate any help, cause I can’t bear to just stand and wait little money to come, when kid is growing… and family’s need grow too. :biggrin:
(I’m from Romania, Eastern Europe, EU country, in case it helps. If anyone needs some information regarding my experience, knowledge etc, please ask.)



This is an American article, so I’m not sure that any of the businesses would apply to you. but perhaps you can find some useful information.


These articles may help:


Ayesha, thanks! :slight_smile:

After reading the first article you gave me, I must add I’m one of those mothers who don’t have physical support from anyone else but her husband. So the three of us, parents and the kid, must take care of everything. One salary to live by is interesting :wub: … but it’s not my style to be satisfied with just taking care of kids and family, I need to help somehow, too :slight_smile: .
I decided to take care myself of my children at least for their first three years, no matter what happens. This first boy really needs my love, care and attention, especially with all he has gone and he will go through since birth (traumatic experiences/health problems, but all’s well when ends well).
So parenting is my top priority. And as the article points out, one can do both good parenting and have a career with a little management of our own life (depending on parents’ priorities and choices and all of that, of course).

After several hours, I have managed to watch the first 4 videos in the second link you gave me.
Amazing! This Marcus Buckingham is so right! I’ve watched those women and listened to his ideas and I saw myself in so many of them, in fact in all of them, in my life.

Thank you again, its’ inspiring!


Medical billing

jewelery making?

how about travel agent

Can you tell me more about that?

samber01, janesita01, thank you.
It’s great to see ideas from all of you they are all useful. Some of them suit me, some of them suit other people so hope this subject helps more moms, too.


Thank you, nhockaday,
it doesn’t quite apply to my case, but it has useful information. Also, some rules are generally true, like respecting the law of the country you live in when you want to start a business.


Hi Andrea! :blush:

How about paid blogging? :slight_smile: I know it doesn’t sound like much, but it might help give you something to do. It can be really easy to set up as well - get a blog for free from wordpress or blogspot, and after blogging for a month (on any topic you want) simply apply for a paid blogging account from or - this will not only give you a nice hobby to do (like write about your child’s progress and growth, and your personal experiences as a mother :yes: ) it may also be a fun source of money for you.


Lappy, do you have any idea what kind of money you can generate with a blog of the type you describe? How do you actually make money from that?

Hi Andrea.

I am a stay at home mom, but I also work part time. Might be interesting for you to explore being a headhunter or Recruitment Consultant. It’s a pretty fulfilling job because you help people find jobs. :slight_smile: I do my calls from the house and meet with my candidate either in a coffee shop or my office.

Hope this helps.

Hi LongTallDrink!

To answer your inquiry about paid blogging, from my experience, I’ve gotten paid a minimum of $5 each blog post consisting of only 50 words. 50 words really isn’t a lot, and sometimes it can be just around two or three sentences at most.

There are other offers which can be taken - for example, a video blog sometimes would pay me around 25-50 dollars each, and a lengthy movie review may send $20 your way.

All this will depend on how many blog assignments you are willing to take within a month. Sometimes the jobs can be scarce, at around 2-5 assignments for a month, but there are occasions when you are offered too many and you’ll just have to select what you want to do.

I think it’s a very viable option to use if you want to earn money at home, sinc eyou can do only as much as you want, and there are no startup fees required for it. Getting a blog at blogspot, blogger or wordpress is free and easy - all you have to do it take ten minutes out of your day to maintain it and keep it active.

I also believe that mommy bloggers are a very viable marketing option for a lot of companies out there in the line of baby products, and some of them - if they find that your blog is getting good traffic - can offer to pay you for ad space which they can take up on your home blog page.

Having a blog is also a great way for you to earn money off affiliate programs as well - some affiliate programs such as Amazon (or even BrillKids!) work in a way where you don’t even have to work much to earn commission. You can sign up for these programs, and place an ad in your blog pages, and when people click on them and end up buying their products, you get a very healthy commission sent to your bank or PayPal account: that’s literally earning money while you’re sleeping! The work this entails though is going to lean heavily on how well you can market your blog and how well you can get people to visit it - one way is to also put a forum signature link to your blog so people can go over and have a look. :wink:

I hope that this information helps! Good luck! :yes:

Thanks very much Lappy - that gives me another mouthful to chew on…