Any good ipad app for practicing soroban abacus?

I found a free app but am not sure how good it is. Are you using ipad for practicing abacus operations for kids or adults?
Thanks for sharing.

Is it “Master Soroban”?

I got that two days ago and can’t stop playing with it. I’ve passed the beginner, grade 10, and grade 9 test so far. :slight_smile:

Now I need to go learn how to divide…

I’ve ordered a real one, but until it comes I’ll be playing with that app. It’s kind of addicting.

I haven’t tried it with my son (my daughters only two and wouldn’t be ready). I plan to get the real one and get a handle on it first and then go through it with him. For now, he’s interested in watching me use it.

Oh, and also I don’t know what I’m talking about. :P. I just learned about it from aangeles’s thread and it piqued my interest. I’m not speaking with any kind of authority other than I enjoy the app. And have been using this web page to teach myself what to do:

I like that in the opening area you can practice and it tells you the answer. To learn each level, I wrote down the equations and the answers for each set of two numbers to make sure I was doing it correctly. Again, speaking with no expertise whatsoever.

Is this it?:

I found master soroban but could not understand a thing. How do i get to the english version?

I couldn’t find an English version, I just used the link above to read how to do it.

the videos are in japanese - which i don’t understand, but can follow along to comprehend the instructions for the chapter. and ohhh - this is fun! :yes: now i get to use the i-pad more often! lol

I know! I’m seriously addicted to it now!

I also have a free app on my phone to practice soroban on. It’s called “Electronic Alpacas Teach Abacus”.

I do not understand. Since it was free, i instaled the master soroban. To my surprise there were english words. So i went to ‘how to’ but it show a you tube in japanese.
Then i saw begginers and grade 10 but both ask me to buy the app.
Did you guys bought any of this? Are they good.
What i want is something to practice since i read about the theory.

BTW Maquenzie, glad to see that Alpacas teach abacus. Since they are from Peru and i am peruvian also, i guess it is a good sign. Don’t you think so too? Jajaja.

I bought the Beginner’s app for $00.99 US and it is good to practice with.

I will have to use iTunes to download the Alpacas app, if I can get iTunes to update - there is some problem with it?!? :tongue:

I have only the free app, taught myself elsewhere and just play the challenges. It’s a nice clean looking soroban so you could make your own problems too and just use it’s home screen.

I just found the chalenge option that gives you exercises. How to you make your own problems?

When you first open the app, the soroban shown is usable. So, you can just write your own problems on paper. It’s a nice practice because it displays the answer all along in numeral form as well.

I am so addicted to this… I’ve beat the challenges up to (down to?) grade 7. Grade 6 is still way to quick for me. I cannot wait to get the real soroban coming in the mail!

Anyone have any good links for how to use the soroban for other things besides addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division? Such as squares and cubing?

You certainly must be very good. I will start practicing simple additions this weekend.
Thanks for the help.

I don’t think that I am “good” at all, I’ve only even known about it for about a week! I just sort of got obsessed, though. :slight_smile: And found ways to practice while driving around town. lol

I’m stuck on that grade 6 though, I can’t figure out how to move that quickly. I think I’ve hit a wall on that app. I don’t know if it expects you to move to mental math there or not. I can do every problem in grade 6 (finally figured out what I was doing wrong with multiplication and division), but I just can’t do it that fast! I’m not sure what the intent was with the app. But it has been quite helpful for me so far.

Maybe I should start a post for adults learning the Soroban.

Hi again Maquenzie,

Don’t worry about Level 6, the gap between level 6 and 7 is huge. It’s really not your fault at all. A real physical soroban will help you solve the problems a little more quickly.

Good luck and let me know if there’s a big interest in adults learning soroban.


Thank you for telling me the gap there is big! I feel so close to mastering that level, but I’m just not quick enough. I’m still trying though and hopefully a real live Soroban will help.