Any Experiences with EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) techniques?

Hi all,

I came across with EFT last week.
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is an emotional, needle free version of acupuncture that is based on new discoveries regarding the connection between your body’s subtle energies, your emotions, and your health. EFT has been reported successful in thousands of cases covering a huge range of emotional, health and performance issues. It often works where nothing else will.

It is a very simple techniques that would solve allmost every small to serious physical and mental problems. In their free manual it is said that you can also apply these techniques to children to cure e.g. fear for potty stool, darkness, anger or whatever.

Does anyboy have experience with EFT esp.? Does it really function? And how do you apply it to a litte child? I mean a child isn’t still and let you tab them for a minute.

I didn’t try it for myself but want definitely do it. I will let you know then if I see some results.

The problem is not so much that they won’t sit still, but that it would be difficult to get little children to say the affirmations and focus their mind on what it is their supposed to focus on. Would be easier with older children I think.

Hard to say if it REALLY ‘works’ as it is supposed to (apart from the possibility of it being a ‘placebo’ - meaning your mind expects it to work there it works), but I’ve heard many good things about it, and in my very limited ‘trials’ of it, it seems to help. But can’t be certain.

I had some ( although limited) experience with EFT. During my pregnancy (in Taiwan) my doctor introduced this technique as a way of dealing with severe morning sickness.

I had a high risk pregnancy and had EXTREME MORNING SICKNESS , so it was very important for me to find a way to keep food down ( and I could not take meds). My doctor introduced EFT as an alternative. It did work to an extent.

But I agree with KL, about the concentration issue. It was difficult enough for me, being an adult, to concentrate on affirmations and points, etc. And it took me a fair bit of practise…

I just looked it up… Here is smth

**Adrienne and I are not psychologists, or therapists and have no licensing or formal training in a university setting…other than my Stanford degree in engineering. **We are Personal Performance Coaches and our mission is to bring personal performance tools to the attention of others. **Our quest is a spiritual one and, accordingly, we are both duly ordained ministers. **This course takes the form of a thorough demonstration of a very impressive personal improvement tool. It is not a training in psychology or psychotherapy. **Subject to the other provisions of this agreement, you may use EFT on behalf of yourself or others. **Adrienne and I cannot and will not take responsibility for what you do with these techniques.
