Any blogger dropouts?

I really admire some of our bloggers. I started a blog over a year ago. I wrote 1 post then I didn’t feel like I had anything else to say. My blog has laid dormant. Has anyone else abandoned their own blog?


I haven’t abandoned my blog but I haven’t wrote on it lately. Just been super busy the past few months to post anything worthwhile at the moment.

I’ve been a bit inconsistent over the last month or two, but that’s only because of life stresses getting in the way. I tend to be long-winded (okay, I ramble… :blush: ) but hey, what better place to do that than your own blog? But as a result, it takes me forever to get my posts the way I want before publishing. It’s a bit time consuming, I need to learn the art of short & sweet! I guess I just have a lot to say.

Well you guys are right it takes some time to blog and keep your blog going…I choosed to blog in spanish and english so everytime I post I have to do it on the bilingual way…takes me a while but I like it. I think it is a nice track of my child’s improvement! I have a terrible terrible memory so It is nice to go back to older posts and see some progress besides I found lots of nice mommy bloggers that I will like to keep in touch with and get some ideas from…I don’t know for how long I will keep “my second job”(blogging) but at least for now it seems like it is doing ok. :wink:

I had to abandon one of mine as I never checked in over the period they were updating the site and then for some reason I couldn’t get into it at all. I have since started another one, but because of what happened last time I am not very keen to put much into it. I keep a journal at home instead.

I go through stages. I might not write for a few weeks, then I get motivated to write often. It also helps when I get little emails from Kizudo saying “You’ve been absent for a week and a half. Whats going on?”

Yep. That’s me. “Nag” is my middle name! lol

Hey it works! You should start a business.

I tried blogging last year as well, but it didn’t last more than a couple of months. Some of just weren’t meant to be bloggers I think! Even though I didn’t keep it up, I found it to be a valuable experience, and it really made me appreciate all the hard work that goes into starting and maintaining a blog.

When I was doing the blog, I found some really cool blogging communities where bloggers support one and other, and I really enjoyed that aspect of it. Also found some really interesting blogs, a few of which I’ve been able to keep up with as a reader.

One of the questions that blogging raised for me was the whole question of online privacy and identity theft. Bloggers – is that something you worry about at all? Do you blog using your real name / real kids’ names etc, or do you use fake names? I personally always worried about revealing too much personal information online, and I think that was one of the reasons I could not be successful as a blogger – that and the fact that you actually have to blog! From what I saw blogging can definitely become a full time job if you let it, as can reading blogs!

I’ve only been blogging since February, but so far so good. I also appreciate a record of our daughter and her accomplishments. I don’t use dd’s name, only her first initial, to help protect her privacy - she is not old enough to truly give her consent & I try to respect that by only using an initial & not using a lot of pics.

As far as losing what you have written on yur blog, I plan to get a book of it printed off yearly, so I wouldn’t lose more than the last year.

I have taken a bit of a sabbatical from my blog…it has been several months. I’ve just had too many other things to worry about, including deciding to do several courses next semester including children’s services (to work in a Kindergarten, childcare centres etc). Trying to figure out how I can try to earn income and homeschool at the same time. It’s nice to have adult interaction I must say!! And I am getting very sick of the inside of my house. I enjoy grocery shopping as it involves going out into the world and being among different people…and sometimes running into people you know and can catch up with. Blogging is a very house-bound activity (as is everything involving the internet).