Any advice.....

Hi Everybody,

I’m pregnant and this is my first baby. I read some of the posts in this website. It was told that it’s good to read some stories to unborn baby. Hence, I would like to know what kind of stories has to be read? Should I read the same stories daily? How many times it has to be read? What can be read other than the stories? If any, I would be glad, if anyone could briefly explain it. Thanks in advance.

I really don’t think it matters. The idea is just to read. The baby will get used to your voice and language itself. I read my son a different story or two every night before bed, and I still do. Some people do like rhyming stories (like Dr. Suess) better b/c they have a rhythmic sound to them, but I think just reading to your baby will be great.

And I think choosing different stories is nice to add variety (not to mention you may get sick of reading the same thing over and over). But if you do choose to read the same story (or stories), I think you will find that they have a soothing effect once your baby is born. It’s just like if you choose a CD to play often for your unborn child; he/she will likely find it soothing when you play it after he/she is born. It can be a great way to calm a fussy baby b/c it is something he is used to hearing in the safe, secure womb.

Totally agreed with Nikki!

Yes, Dr. Seuss stories are great. During pregnancy we read a lot of “Oh Baby! The Places You’ll Go!” by Dr. Seuss which was made specifically for the pregnancy period. I would highly recommend that.

I would also recommend any story which makes YOU feel good. I believe that your emotions will have an impact/influence on your child, especially during pregnancy, so the bigger the smile the story brings to your face, the better!

Thank you Nikki and KL. Hope to read different stories to my baby.