Any Advice for a working mom to use Flash Card?

I’m a working mom with a 9 mth old baby girl. I’ve been reading the Doman’s book and really want to try the Flash Card.

However, I did have a problem on how to schedule the Flash Card session.

Being a working mom, I only have limited time to be with my baby during weekday. In the morning (when I feeding her), I’ve approx 1 hours to be with her. At night time, I’ll have around 1 and half hour (if I’m not working over time) to play with her before she sleep.

In Doman’s book, it mentioned 15 session of 5 cards during a day. and I can only do 3 sessions a day. Should I increase the cards each session? If I simply do 3 sessions of 5 cards a day, will this discourage her to learn?

I need some advice on these. Thank you so much. :biggrin:

I am not sure. But I guess that if you do not have enough time, doing less would not hurt. I think maybe you can add some more contents in each session- so as to compensate the amount that you miss? What do you think? :clown:

15 sessions, in my opinion, is extreme. I’d like to hear about someone who, everyday, manages to do this.

I always have one set of words that I will show once or twice a day, and a set of EK, also shown once or twice a day.
Add to this a little bit of signing, teaching her colors and body parts, helping her climb stairs etc etc. Showing words is only a small part of my day.

Thanks Feifeinew & hypatia, I think I will start with 3 sessions of 5 cards a day, doing less is better than doing nothing.

hypatia, I really want to hear from other mom experience, will showing less discourage the baby? how is your little one response to the word learning session once or twice a day?

Thanks a lot! :biggrin:

I think there’s a misunderstanding here. I read the book. It says 3 sessions of a category each day. Each category has 5 words, meaning your baby will see each of the words 3 times a day. Depending on how well you can cope, you can teach more than 1 category per day.

I don’t think anyone is able to show 15 sessions of each category in a day - that’s extreme.

Having said this, the book served just as a guide. You do not need to follow 100%. For eg, I can only do at most 2 sessions on a weekday, and 4 sessions on weekends. I try to teach 4-5 categories each day.

I think you may be mixing 15 sessions with 15 initial words (3 categories 5 words each). I have not finished the book, but I think 3 times a days is plenty. As mooncake2 said, the book is a guide. I usually do 5 categories, 5 words each, 3 times a day for 5 days (This way you would have shown each word 25 times). Sometimes I have to go an extra day a couple of times because certain day my daughter wasn’t up to doing 25 words. Remember, follow your child’s lead try to stop before she wants to stop, even if you do not finish all the words.

Hope this helps! :smiley:

I work halfday and so have more time than you do and yet even now I cannot possible manage 15 sessions a day - I could, but I think I’d get frustrated. I have usually only shown 5 words a day (up to 10 at one stage - but then I showed all ten in one session) At first I did do three sessions a day, but as my daughter got more proficient with learning the new words I have decreased it to only one session in a day of new words and I put a few sentences on the wall and read those to her at least 3 times a day putting the new words into the sentences as quickly as possible after they have been learnt. I think the approach you use should be determined by the age of your child and how well he/she responds to what you are doing.

Obviously the programme you use must suit you too - remember when Doman did his research he found that every single person who had tried to teach a baby to read had succeeded no matter what method they had used so don’t feel bad if you do less than he says.

I don’t work at all and I also find it hard to do exactly what Doman suggests. I just try to work in as many words/flashcards/DVDs in a day that is reasonable for that day. Sometimes I can do what Doman suggests, but lots of days I don’t come anywhere near. When I first started I tried to be really consistent, but as the months go on and on I become more and more disorganized!

In the past week dd (now 17 months old) has just started to read some of the words from YBCR such as ‘wave’, ‘nose’, and ‘mouth’. So, it seems that my dd is learning to read in spite of my disorganization.

I have said it before but I really like Doman’s quote of “…reading is one game you will win to some degree no matter how badly you play it…”