Another new member

hi everyone
i found this webpage 2 days ago and i think it is fantastic, it’s what I have been looking for during a long time
i am a mother of a baby girl who is 12 months old. i started reading about bits of intelligence some months ago and started doing babybits with her.
i have downloaded the trial for reading and i will probably download the maths program as well.
I started yesterday with the first lesson and she liked it very much
i am a Spanish person but I work as a teacher of English so I woul love my litlle one to do everything in English.
her father has been talking in English to her since she was born.
I would live to be given some tips on how to start.
I wish i had found thid months ago, I do love what you are doing

Hi and welcome to the forums. It’s great to have you here! Feel free to browse the forums and add to any discussions that interest you. Please let us know if you have any questions or need any help getting around. We hope to hear more from you soon!

Welcome, Kelen! :slight_smile:

thanks very much
i just bought Lr and Lm and i do think my baby loves them
Still learning a lot about the software( me) :yes:

Good to hear! Do keep us updated on your baby’s progress!