((( ANETA ))) Question about your LR schedule

Hi Aneta!

I was just reading in one of your posts that your 2 year old now reads full sentences thanks to BrillKids. Would you mind telling us what your daily LR schedule was? Did you also use real paper flash cards or just LR?

Also did you just do LR word flashing with audio and pics or did you also just flash the words only? Did you jump into sentences on LR quickly?

My baby girl just turned 13 months and although she likes me to flash LR, she is not that interested in being read to. I want to read to her more from books but she really isn’t interested in books except to turn the pages, flip them back and forth and to sometimes point to objects in the pictures. But she doesn’t tolerate to much reading. It’s like she gets bored and wants out of the situation. Or she wants to handle the book herself and pulls it away from me to play with it herself. Did you children go through a phase like this or did they always love to be read to?

Thanks so much for you insight!

Although the question is not intended for me, yet I find myself wanting to share my experience with my 2 y/o son.

When my son was that age as your child, he just wants to turn the pages of the book and just look at the pictures. He doesn’t want me reading it because it makes him bored not to see the picture immediately on the next page. So I just let him do it believing that there maybe at least something he learns from it. And he loves to see colorful pictures so what I do instead is just tell him what that picture is or what that picture is about.

My son is also reading sentences now. Although we don’t do LR everyday because he doesn’t want to be seated in front of the computer more often. He wants more action and is very active that is why sitting for a minute is hard for him to do now. But there are times that he wants LR and I can show him as many categories as I want. Everyday is different.

Here is what I do. I have lists of words with me. Dolch words, action words, names of animals, names of different objects, etc. Either I write it on paper or write it on flashcards and explain to him the meaning of the word as much as possible. I show him the ( 10 -20 )words 2 to 3 times a day for 2 days. Then on the next day,( although testing your child is not recommended) I will ask him if he can read those words. In 20 words, sometimes he knows already 18 of them. Then I will read to him the words that he did not read. Then I will retire the words and make another set. The next week, I will show him again the retired words for review. Surprisingly, he still can read those words.
Now he is reading more or less 300 words.

Of course, we started with just 3 words a day. At the beginning, these 3 words will last for 5 days, 3x each day. I guess because of being used to read everyday, he can easily remember words even they are only shown 3 times.

Now that he is 2 y/o, he appreciates reading books for him. And I see that his eyes are following the words that I’m pointing.

Because you start early, your child can read full sentences before she turns 2 y/o. FYI, I started teaching my son to read 2 months before his 2nd birthday. In 6 months time he can read so many words and read sentences. The secret I think is just to be happy, relax and just enjoy whatever you and your child is doing.

This is what I did with my kids before they started reading books but they could read a lot of single words.I put together a set ,or Playlist on a topic they really enjoy but I add all the “is ,look ,come,a,the,”.For my 3 year old the key was to use reptilies–“look at the boa snake” ,.For my 2 year old it’s daddy --“Daddy is in the car”,“Daddy come,see my picture"I would use ilustrations or reall photos and if they like it I start with books.With my 2 year old I use almost 90% of time Little Reader.It’s a great program that alows you to do so much, and faster than with paper cards .When the baby is well rested I show only words but when she is not too happy we look at words with pictures.I think most kids have a phase when they want to just turn pages and " speed read” as I would call it but it doesn’t last forever and it’s good to teach them that books are for reading and toys are for playing.

your posts are like gold, Aneta, k
I am at the same stage of short phrases now.
We went out for a walk and they love to see themselves and recognize the area on pictures in our Playlist.
Now I am putting it in Russian as well.

tx, Daniellie, too :wink:
I wish my girls would be as fast. Anyway, repetition and variety :slight_smile:

Thank you so much Aneta and Danellie. I’m really getting the feeling that children, especially between 18 months and 3 years old, can learn from many different types of exposure to reading and different schedules. So I’m just going to keep on doing the YBCR and LR as much as possible. It’s frustrating though when you daughter is young because although she does stare and clap at LR, YBCR and Little Pim, she’s doesn’t give any feedback as too whether or not she’s learning the words (at least not yet). I guess I’ll be able to see a lot more from her when she is closer to 18 months or older.

I have to say that I’m shocked at how fast 2 year olds learn to read words and speak words. It seems like the first time you say a word or show them a written word, they got it (more or less). It’s amazing. It seems like 2 years old is the sweet spot for reading and speaking. I can’t wait for her to get rolling with all this.

Thanks again. I feel better.

Great advice ladies! I don’t know what Dolch words are, so I’ll have to look those up.

You should see this site:


good site, tx, +k for the link :slight_smile: