Androids vs. Ipad

I am still undecided as to go for an ipad 2 or for an android tablet.
I mainly want it for E.L of my kids (oldest now 3,5 years) and get excited evey time I see the extensive recommendations for apps here.
Question for those who know more than me:
Are the educational apps for android tablets rapidly increasing?
Have they come to a similar number than the Apple apps or are they still considerably less?
What do you think who will offer the most apps in the foreseeable future (1-2 years): Androids or Apple?

I guess the last question is the “one million dollar question” but I cannot help asking it…

Can those of you who know the market better than I do please give their opinon here?


I am not an expert, but we have iPad 2 and it is totally amazing! :yes:
To my opinion it is worth every penny. You can get 16 GB model or iPad 1 model and be able to enjoy all the thrills for less.
I doubt that Androids will ever offer as much, but once again it is only my opinion.

I consider myself a computer geek. :slight_smile:

Computer geeks tend to gravitate towards Android more so I’m naturally biased in favor of Android. :slight_smile:

I have an Android phone and an iPad2 (started with iPad1).

Right now, the Android tablets are lagging far behind, so usage-wise, I would much rather use an iPad2. The apps are just way more for an iPad than for an Android right now.

What about the future?

It’s anyone’s guess but you can look at what happened with Android phones, which also started out late. Today, even though the iphone still has many more apps than Android phones, there is no real difference in practice because 95% of all the good apps that you would want are already available on android. I love my Android phone and consider it much better than an iPhone, as you have a lot more freedom with it and can do a lot more things. The iPhone however is probably more idiot-proof and easier to use overall though.

I expect the same thing will happen for tablets for Android, where one day I will hop onto Android tablets and never look back. But I don’t know when that will be. It could be 2-3 years out.

Also, bear in mind that right now, many companies will develop apps for the iPad first. In fact, we (BrillKids) is one such example - we are working on an iPad app for Little Reader and have no plans to make an Android version anytime soon. It will only start becoming a priority once Android tablets really take off.

Since you’re unlikely to keep using the same tablet for more than 2-3 years, my advice would be to get an iPad2 now. At least you’ll be able to enjoy Little Reader!


The advantage and disadvantage of the android is that the software coding is open source. So anyone can basically write an app. Now that means I suspect in the futures that there will be more apps. My concern is that the quality might not be so good.
There are already Apps out there that are bad apps. Such as apps that simulate a cracked screen on an android phone that can not be removed!
I also think that many of the apps for the android will be trendy, gimmicky things developed by young techy geeks that don’t see the value, or even consider early learning.

The Ithing apps are much better in quality it seems and there are many that are geared at young children and early learning. I don’t have either an android or an Ithing. I really want the ipad but I think that the price point it painful and it not going to happen. Androids are cheaper. But I am so hesitant to get one because all the early learning apps I want are still Ithing only.

Dear All,

For me, personal use, mobile phone, I prefer Android because I don’t need to carry an bulky and ugly emergency charger but a backup battey instead, just replacing it and work again as handsome as usual :biggrin:

For Tablet, I have both races, you can say Apple take care of checking those apps because only apps in apple store can be installed, for security reason, it is higher, then go for iPAD. But, the screen of iPAD2 disappointed me for it’s quality, viewing “words”, picture is OK.

p.s. I bought a viwsoic few months ago, don’t buy, personal view, Xoom is better, using now