And what comes next?


We began the LR Curriculum with my daughter, when she was 11 months old. Now she just turned 21 and we’ve finished the 12 month-curriculum yesterday.

Actually she didn’t show yet, that she can read. I do the program in hungarian (have translated it), but left out the “Pattern Phonics” part, because I didn’t know, where to get such phonics-words and I didn’t have the time to do it myself. Do you think, it is possible, that she can’t read yet because of this?

I don’t know, what to do next… what would you suggest? Is there somebody, who did the whole curriculum?

I didn’t do the curriculum. Does your daughter talk alot? Perhaps she knows more than she can express. Babies seem to understand spoken language long before they start speaking it themselves. Perhaps it is the same for reading. Maybe she can read but just isn’t able to express what she knows yet. I say it can’t hurt to continue. Maybe you might want to try the fry list next along with some phonics. If she learns to recognize the most common words on sight then she will be able to read more easily. Is there any Hungarian phonics program that you can use? Or if she enjoys it, you can even redo the curriculum. Just keep teaching in a joyful manner and I’m sure she will excel.

Good Luck, Lori

they are many files which can be translated to hungarian, like the EK ones for example.


Thank you for your answers!

Actually, I have no idea, why my daughter doesn’t want to read and in the forum I didn’t find other parents, who are doing LR for such a long time without result… ok, that is not right: little daughter benefited very very much from LR, she loves it, we love to do it together, she learned much vocabulary, and so on.

@akalori: Yes, she speaks. I would say, very good for her age, she speaks with 21 months in full sentences, with a good grammar, it is really superb. So she could say every word we learned in the curriculum.

Yesterday I “tested” her a little bit (I almost never tested her, but waited for her to show, she knows…). There was a word on the screan that said bird (madár in hungarian). I began reading the word to her and hoped, she will sound it out, I began: “maaa” and she finished “mama!”. But it just wasn’t the right word lol

Hm… I read the paper of Dad Dude and I think I will start with phonics, maybe, so “she will get the clue”!

@hypatia: what means EK?

Thanks all for your input! More input will be appreciated! :slight_smile:


I think I have occasionally seen parents on this forum who weren’t experiencing expected results. I think it is intimidating to admit when so many brillkid babies seem like geniuses. It sounds like your daughter is doing very well with vocabulary so she is ahead of her peers. My daughter is ahead too but not as much as some much younger billkids babies. I think those of us experiencing slower progress don’t post as much. I try to compare my daughter to normal children rather than her brillkids peers, then it is easier to recognize that she is excelling. But in your case your daughter is so young. She may suddenly surprise you. Every child learns differently. Some children are natural showoffs. Some kids are more reserved. Maybe your daughter just needs to ponder stuff quietly by herself for awhile. I must admit that I started later than you and I have not been consistent with any program. I just keep at reading here and there from many different angles. My daughter stated at age 23 months and is willful so we do formal reading work only when she is interested in it. But I am happy that I have instilled a love of learning in her. She is 3.75 yr old and is maybe reading at a kindergarten level.

There is so much time for her to continue to blossom. I am sure your daughter will excel eventually and if nothing else we are giving our children the opportunity to have a deeper understanding of reading when it is taught in school. Is your daughter enjoying the lessons? Are there categories she likes the best? You can just play the categories that she enjoys the most. Then you can try to incorporate those categories in your life. You can make your own play-list of her favorite foods then let her help you read those items from a grocery list at the store. You can play matching games with animal pictures and animal words. Just keep enjoying the process. I’m sure you will eventually see some results.


Hi Lolobride,
Are u Hungarian? I’m. Do you leave in Hungary? ( I leave in the US). Do you mean that you use LR only in Hungarian or also in English? Sorry for the questions, it wasn’t clear to me. I started with my son the “Your Baby Can Read” program when he was about 14 months. I also use Hungarian flash cards. He started to recognize the words about a month after we started but I think that method is a little different: after watching the dvd many times a day you also show the flash cards and kinda test them. You may want to try to show her your own made flash cards. Sometimes I don’t ask my son I just don’t say the word so he says it. If he doesn’t know it, he would look at me and says: Mama? And I tell him.
I also agree with the others that she learns a lot every day with you and the LR and she will show you soon what she had learned.