an update very excited and sad at the same time

Well i dropped my big girl at school today and her teacher approached me and said "we had our transition meeting and we think that S is ready to go to extended day starting next term’

For those of you who don’t know extended day is started 2 terms before the child starts official school to prep them for starting the school and kids are 4 1/2 when they start. S is 3 and wont be 4 until the end of August. With the view that she will start school 2-3 terms early (2-3 terms = 20-30wks early) than her same age peers. So while i am really excited that all the early learning has paid off I’m sad at the same time to be ‘losing her’ early. My dd is so excited to be a big girl in extended day so i don’t think I will hold her back and and I did ask her teacher how she would cope being the youngest in extended day and her teacher said that S is a very confident young lady and has made friends with the older children quite well.

So here is to Early Learning (raising my pretend wine glass)

P.s I did ask her if she wanted to be homeschooled and she could spend time with Mummy everyday and she turned around and said “No thanks Mum I want to go to school” Humpf all well at least she loves it

Oh I feel your pain. It’s a mixed bag of emotions. Truly grateful that they will even consider her for early entry ( mine have NO chance) plus the emptiness of loosing your precious time. Feel good mum you have given her the best possible start :slight_smile: and you can after school her still…but give her some time to settle she will be exhausted!

awwww congrats to your little one!!! & Well done Mum :slight_smile: Just think, you can still play after-school learning games to get your fix. :wink:

And now that you will have so much free time on your hands, you can volunteer for the EEEC Foundation so you can help other kiddos can benefit from early learning! :biggrin: