an UNUSUAL school!!

Sudbury Valley schools

Very untraditional!! Seems too slack to me. Total UNSCHOOLING. Kids decide what they want to do.
I can see benefits, but I would worry that the necessary curriculum would not get covered.
I think my son would’ve liked to go to this school!! It’s good for ADHD type kids as I noticed this in an article about ADHD posted by lilyandowensmum

from SudburyValley on Youtube…

Also check youtube member kapriole for more info.

Thanks for the video- interesting stuff but I don’t think I would feel comfortable sending my kids there! Great in theory for other people’s kids though lol

this may sound a little weird but Sudbury Valley reminds me alot of University. At uni you are responsible for your own learning and what you get out of it and what you do there and so on and so on. The problem is no one really gets out of uni what they are supposed which is a degree in higher learning and’ higher thinking’ or the ability to think for yourself and come to your own conclusions. The problem is by the time you reach uni you have had 13 years of being spoon fed and controlled by clocks, told what to think and how to think (and heaven forbid you get something wrong and then made a mockery of by either your peers or teacher.) and then after all that time people then turn around and say guess what your 18 now and its time you thought for yourself?

One of my biggest beefs today is that most Gen Y and the generation coming through below cn’t seem to think for themselves and want others to make the decision for them because they are afraid of making a mistake or have never been allowed to make a mistake and discover it was not the end of the world.

I guess because Sudbury is such a different way of teaching it it hard for us to grasp that any one can become literate or math orientated without someone standing at the fornt of the classroom saying ‘books out it is time to practice writing’ or ‘books away time for math class’ I find it hard to believe to, but there is a part of me that now as an adult can certainly see thepoint of view of the ‘principle’ so to speak view. As an adult I have learnt about all different sorts of things from physics to the anatomy to knitting to gardening and not because this has been forced on me but because I have wanted to learn. And with that I have taken to things with alot more gusto and passion because I have chosen what i want to learn and I am more inclined to keep trying even if i fall down because I want to succeed at it.

It certainly is an ‘out there’ concept I guess to start children at such a young age to lead the way in there education. What would be interesting is to see how many of those children succeed outside the school walls in the ‘real’ world where they have to get jobs.

If I had kids who were interested in it, I might actually go for something like this provided that my husband and I can afford it.

Especially since I plan to have exceptional kids, nurture their natural genius and what not. By the time they are 7 I expect to spend a few years studying and learning only about the things they are passionate about.

I will require that they learn 1 or 2 specific things every season (such as summer, spring, winter, fall)

Such as learn web programming, or create an art portfolio of their 12 best pieces, make a sculpture, volunteer their time and effort, make a certain amount of money within 4 months or something because I want to make sure they develop “well rounded” in certain fields such as art, technology, business and character.