an educational tablet for a 3 year old

Hi. I stumbled yesterday on the leap frog’s leappad which is a child friendly tablet.I am interested in it because it claims that it has some maths and reading content too. I am reaaaaaally tempted to get one. However, I don’t know if it will have any benefit. I read a lot of reviews about it but most of the reviews focuses of games and playing with the device. I do not want to buy a device for playing games only. I want it to be educational too. I think it will be good for my child to have someone and something else other than physical books to read stories and also play a game once in a while. I am not sure if it will be a good buy so I was hoping some parents here might have used one or any other child friendly educational tablet and will tell me what they think of them. I value the opinions of brillkids parents that why I always come back here for answers. Thank you.

I saw this yesterday. My thoughts on it, having owned the previous leap pad, a cheaper tablet and 3 iPads is BUY AN IPAD!
An iPad although more expensive is worth SOOOO much more in terms of educational value than any of these other toys. It doesn’t need to be the latest model. We have iPad 2s here and I have no intention of upgrading. An iPad 2 here in ( Australia) is only $350 not much more than the cost of the leap pad…add in some games and you are out in front in no time! Apps are a few dollars each or free! An iPad is something you can use yourself once the kids are in bed, it is an e reader and a real educational tool for a long time.
If you already have an iPad then you don’t need a leap pad.
The leap pads were educational but limited and I think they are overpriced for what you get. I got mine at less than half price and sourced games of ebay cheap. They didn’t last as long as the iPads have and although tough ( they were left outside in the rain and survived!) I replaced them the next year at the sales as they were becoming unreliable and went flat fast. After 2 years we gave up and I didn’t replace them again. They copped a hiding from my kids and I really can’t complain about the quality all in all.
Leap pads are a great present for Nanas to buy but mummies can find better value for their kids lol

I agree with Manda, but didn’t want to jump up and say it. I would never personally invest in any other learning tablet for kids.

Thank you.both sooo much. I guess I have to save up more and get an Ipad.