An Appeal for help in Points

Hello everyone,
I have been on BrillKids Forum awhile and am very thankful to have LR Home to teach my girls! I have a few friends who are beautiful moms of very sweet kids/babies that I have referred to this site. One thing I realized is that with LR Lite discontinued they wouldn’t have a free option to start with (and possibly work towards Home) and all of them are missionary or volunteer moms like myself, so their funds are limited. :slight_smile:
I would like to request anybody’s help toward helping to get licenses for these kids’ early learning :blush: You could donate them to me and I can update this thread as to who benefited and they could introduce themselves too.
I hope it’s ok to ask as there is a donate points option. :wink:

Thanks to all who can help and God bless you!

P.S. I would like to ask for help with 4000 points for my LM, if possible :blush: as well before 31st. Our center is involved with kids in state care (some handicapped) in Hungary. We distribute clothes and food donated by companies and organize Easter and summer camp for some of them as well as Christmas programs with gifts giving. Last month we’ve driven around 25 van loads of yogurt, fish products and cheese to over 20 places. Today we r getting clothes from Sweden. Next month will be the Easter camp for mildly handicapped :slight_smile: I love teaching my kids but don’t always have the time or funds to invest in making aids.
If you’d like to ask any question, just PM me.

If I had the spare points, I’d donate some, but I’m trying to rustle up enough points to get LM half-price. I hope it counts if my other half joins!! Hey, nhockaday, you’ve got a gazillion points… I think Nikolett could do with some help… you’re like the Bill Gates of Brillkids…

I have already helped her, I just didn’t want to advertise it :blush:

Well see, you really ARE the Bill Gates of Brill Kids!!

If only I could convert points to money… lol

At least you’re in America… you’re points are worth twice as much as mine, I think… Havent quite figured that out. Actually it might be the other way around… If I pay for LM in aussie dollars it’s twice as expensive for me, but to get it free it costs the same amount in points. So maybe it’s my points that are more valuable??? (Currency conversion is very confusing). Hmm… maybe you could sell your points, for less than their value of course, to those in countries like Australia and NZ, who would find your points so much more valuable? So hence it’s your US points that are more valuable.

many of us who are not so prolific as nhockaday but would wish that her score doesn’t remain just on paper - may be we can trade the points for bucks so the hardwork is rewarded too(time spent on brillbaby is always worhwhile though…)

ha- ha
Thanks for your help, Nikki,
I wasn’t sure you wanted to make it public, but since it has become that way, I thought I better thank you in public too :slight_smile:
So, I got my LM :slight_smile: but the other request is still valid…

Oh I wish I had some extra. But I will bump this for others to read.

I think there are some very talented people out here who generated some spare points :wink:

To anyone who has generated extra points, please, help, I need 16000 points for TWO free LRs before the 20th!

Hi Nikolett,
Wow, that’s a lot of points! I wish I have extra points, somebody in the forum mentioned you have to have 5,000 pts. first before you can donate pts. to others. Though I haven’t tried donating pts. yet, for I myself am saving for a bigger discount for LR & LM before the price increases. Especially since you can’t combine 2 discount coupons for both LR & LM together. Or just get a one time 15% d/c when you get both together.
Maybe the best way I can help is by giving you karma each time I log in, if it’s not considered as spamming by the moderators…This would just be until May 20.
Mods: nhockaday,Lappy… is this ok? Pls. advise… Thanks…

Thank you, oohmama!
Even posting here adds a couple points :wink:

Big thanks to sb1201 for donating 4000 points, appreciate it a lot!

Nikolett :slight_smile:

wow, i’m so happy i found your site! Dear Nikolett, my good old friend, thank you for introducing me, I’m very excited.
I’ve been involved in early learning & using my teacher training & passion doing Volunteer & missionary work for 15 years now. I LOVE babies & kids (my #5 is due in August) & believe with my whole heart how important it is to give them everything we can as early as possible. The difference it makes in children’ development, both mental & behavioral, is incredible, when they receive good early input! I’ve been doing a lot of free parent training to help others bond with & give their kids a better start in life. So, thank you for creating this site to educate people & to share experiences to help other kids to get a head start. It is a great need in the world today!
Due to the calling I’ve chosen in life, i’ve been to three different continents & i lost the count of countries. My husband & I spent almost 10 years working inChina. The past six years were dedicated to working with underprivileged children, training for teachers in rural areas, raising awareness among youth & offering training to young parents in teaching & training thier little ones. Due to some circumstances beyond our control, we had to leave very suddenly. Our lugguage allowance was 20 KG per person :ohmy: That meant that my large, beautiful collection of all the flashcards, bits, etc. had to go :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: !!! My youngest (so far) is still learning to read & with the next one coming soon, I am in dire need for good materials (& i did find a LOT of good stuff on your site, thanks, everyone for sharing!). But having a ready made consistent program that even my older kids could teach to the little ones (& the one that doesn’t weight anything extra & i won’t have to forsake if i’m relocated suddenly again) is a dream come true!
I am one of the folks Nikolett is appealing for help for & is there is anyone out there who could give us a hand in getting the LR before the price raise, i would be ever so grateful!
God bless you for loving & pouring into your little ones

TX everyone who helped,
every mom on my short little list is installed with LR. Happy teaching!