Amazing Storytelling CDS

If you like to hear a great story, and who doesn’t, you and your family will love the storytelling of Jim Weiss of Greathall Productions. I first came across Jim’s work when I ordered his Tales From Shakespeare CD. I listened to it with my young girls and we immediately fell in love with The Taming of the Shrew, as told by Jim Weiss. Mr. Weiss is very talented and can come up with a countless number of voices for men, women and even animals. My girls would listen to the Shakespeare CD at night while lying in bed. What a great way to introduce them to Shakespeare.

Once I had a taste of Jim’s work, I wanted all of his recordings. He offers a wide variety of stories, some dealing with history, explorers, the Bible and many more. I had the opportunity to hear Tales from Cultures Near and Far. We were taking a road trip and my 6 children were listening intently to a story called The Three Friends of Manuel. It was so entertaining and exciting that when we stopped for a bathroom break the children rushed off so they could come back and finish the story. We were imitating the characters for a good while after hearing the story and easily recall what it was all about.

These recordings are amazing. The only problem is, which ones should we buy? I would like all of them.

Well, I was recently at Toy Fair and I saw in the brochure that there was a booth for Greathall Productions and they were giving away free samples. I had to get there. I forgot to mention that I homeschool all 6 of my children and my son does Story of the World for history. We have the CD recordings to go along with the book and the recordings are all done by our beloved Jim Weiss. We hear his voice, or shall I say voices, in our house on a daily basis.

I walked up to the booth and there was a woman behind the counter. I saw all of the wonderful CDs displayed on the table and proceeded to say, “I love Jim Wiess!” A man standing next to me said, “Well that’s good, because I am Jim Weiss.”

I know it sounds silly, but I felt almost star-struck. Here is this man whose work I adore. All of my kids have enjoyed countless stories from him. We hear him everyday and he is standing next to me. I gushed all over him and told him how much we love his work. I told him that my kids were going to be shocked when I told them I actually met him. He was kind enough to take a picture with us and sign a CD to all of my children. I didn’t leave empty handed either. I bought 4 more CDs on American History to further our understanding of events.

If you enjoy stories, check out They have fabulous materials that you and your kids will enjoy again and again. You can also check out these products on I can’t say enough good things about JIm Weiss’s work. His recordings are top notch and I know parents and children alike will enjoy his work.

Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful link and your story about meeting him shows me even more your passion for teaching your children and also sharing your techniques with our children. I was star struck when I saw the creator of Monki See Monki Do was involved with this forum.

Thanks, Mela. You are so sweet.

I decided to make a list of some of the titles that are available from Greathall Productions. I know that as a parent that is eager to teach my children everything, these recordings are a wonderful addition to our collection of teaching materials. Here is a partial list.

Tom Sawyer
Arabian Nights
American Tall Tales
Masters of Renaissance
The Three Muskateers
Mummies and Myths
Adventures in Mythology
King Arthur and His Knights
Heroes in Mythology
Romeo and Juliet
A Tale of Two Cities
Thomas Jeffersons’s America
Greek Myths
Julius Caesar and the Story of Rome

See anything you like there? I sure do. :laugh:

Thanks Krista!
There were 470 results on the amazon website you provided above and even more on the greathall website.
I was going through them and it really helps to see which recordings you and your family enjoy.
I am going to start with The Three Muskateers & Robin Hood, Good Luck Duck and Greek Myths

I know you will love them. We loved Tales From Far and Near or something like that. We really laughed at the story of Manuel. When I met Jim Weiss and mentioned that he said that many people say that is one of their favorites. The Shakespeare is excellent as well.

Thanks for sharing, i can imagine how you feel standing side by side Jim Weiss.
I have been reading some samples on Amazon and found them very good. Specially since he changes his tone of voice.
I am sure children will enjoy listening how he narrates specially animal stories.

Please i have this questions:
To they come only CD or also the book or written material? This will help us, not native speakers.
Are all of them almost 60 minutes cd?
Have you listen 'Animal Tales? or ‘King Arthir and his Knights’? I could not foun a sample of those CDs.

Hi 2010 Bebes. I have both of those recordings. They do not come with a book to go along. It is simply storytelling. They make stories fun and entertaining. Jim Weiss can do many different voices. He is so talented. He makes one story come alive with his different characters. They are both about an hour long each, give or take a few minutes.

I found samples of these and more at Just click on Sample next to the one you want to hear.

I also just realized that they are offering 40% off the CDs at the above website. They end up being less than $9 USD. What a great deal!