Alphabet Song

Here’s Our Version Of the Alphabet Song with a Karaoke Version, enjoy :wink:

Thank you for posting. Funny though, as I watched it, my kids (2 and 4) looked over my shoulder, and immediately asked what was that in baby’s mouth. Then later they were telling their dad : “mama watched funny video, it was ABC song but baby’s were not able to sing, because they had plugs in their mouth!” That made me think, I wonder if anyone studied relation between use of pacifiers and early speach development, because “plug” association makes so much sense. Parents give pacifier when baby cries to stop him expressing himself, etc Sorry off topic, but I thought that was such a funny observation. :biggrin:

There are studies done that show correlation to speech issues with the prolonged use of pacifiers bottles and sippy cups. I believe we are talking years though.
Pacifiers used to be a no no. But now they are highly recommended until 6 months as a SIDS preventative.

My son had speech issues and never took a pacifier. However he is a thumb sucker. He avidly was, but he is 3 and has gradually reduced it. He only does it to go to sleep and if he were severely stressed.

Yes, it makes sense.

None of my kids used a pacifier. Well, let me correct this our first girl did for about 2 months, she hated it and as a new parents we only introduced it because we did not know better. Thankfully we were openminded enough to follow her lead.

One of our kids sucked on thumb, but it was not that regular and not after 1 yo

Both of the older ones were really early talkers. I suspect the 3rd one would be as well, he is really trying :yes:

My 11-month old daughter used to take to the pacifier only to fall asleep between 5 - 7 months and completely rejected it thereafter. Nowadays, she self-soothes herself by putting her index and middle finger (right hand) into her mouth for a little while along with using her left hand to stroke her ear. She does this only when she wants to sleep or is very tired and it’s only for a short while. We are trying to get her to stop that too but I wonder if anyone else’s little one does the same thing and whether it’s okay?


My son has always been a great sleeper because he self soothes as a thumb sucker.
I have no inclination of having him stop. Especially now that he is only really doing it to go to sleep. It he were doing it a lot during the at over the next few years I might consider encouraging him not to. But most kids completely out grow it on their own.
I have a horrendous time falling asleep, and I know many others that do too. People need tv, or white noise or medications. I refused to let my son have any enabling devise other than his thumb. If he is 30 years old and needs to suck his thumb to go to sleep… So be it. It is something he will always have access to.

Thanks juniorstoons, this song is amazing. This songs through children can easily teach alphabets and they are not feel boring. I thing in today culture all parents use this type of technique to teach our children fast and easily.