Aloha! We're new here!

ALOHA! We’re your new forum neighbors. I would first like to apologize for any errors in this post. I’m posting phone.
We adopted my son when he was 6 months old. He’s now 14 months. We have been using YBCR since he was 7 months old & we enjoy it, but are looking for more curriculum. Brillkids looks like something we are looking for.
We are bilingual and plan to teach him several languages; English, Samoan, Chinese, French, and some Hawaiian too!
We may have our work cut out for us, but I believe he’ll be able to learn languages much easier when he grows up. Any suggestions would be great! We will be ordering the deluxe reading system tomorrow.

Welcome pikachu!!

LR is great! I have been using it for over a year and so happy with the software.
I use it to teach anything from reading to encyclopedic knowledge.

I am trying to raise my son trilinggual (English, French, Thai).

I have said bye to paper flashcards long time ago because my boy does not like them. LR is a life saver. He is almost 3 now and is still asking for LR twice a day!



Thanks for responding! I appreciate feedback from parents, because it’s quite overwhelming to research which program is best for your child. This is our first child and we’d love a program that can be used for future kids too.

I had been doing a lot of research and reading lots of reviews before I chose LR.

It is not only teaching your child to read but it also grows with your little one.
My son completed both curriculum a few months ago but I am still using the program to customize my own lessons and download other free files from the library.

We are mainly using LR to teach him phonics, encyclopedic knowledge, and foreign languages right now.