All overwhelming...

I’m super excited to start my 13 month on BrillKids. Can someone steer me in the right direction as to where to start/how to start? Any help is greatly appreciated!

Just start. Do it. There is soooo much you could learn and read and do, you could spend years trying to figure it all out and another few years getting organized.

Start simple, and add more as you get more comfortable, learn more, and see the reaction from your baby.

Pick one idea (reading or math or swimming or music or whatever interests your/your baby). Next pick one or two activities (flashcards or LR or Music lessons or whatever) and do that activity every day, maybe 2 or 3 or 4 times a day. Start with this tomorrow.

I feel it is more important to start now with an imperfect system, then to start 6 months from now with a perfect (is that even possible?) system.

Remember Doman says something to the tune of " Learning is a game you will win no matter how poorly you play it" :slight_smile:

If you got Little Reader for teaching reading and comprehension : LR is made for busy parents and so it is perfect for starting and just following the curriculum – you do not need to prepare any additional cards, lessons, activities, – just chose the day, the lesson, hit “play” and make it a fun interactive activity for the baby!

It would introduce new words, retire the words your baby would learn, help you to progress from words to couplets and then to sentences and at the end you will introduce over 3000 new words to your baby!

Of course, you can build on it and do additional activities, play word games through the day, label different objects in your home, but like Khatty said – just start it!

Make a commitment to read books with and for your baby, it would establish a life-long love for reading!

Once you have started, you can add some additional activities, gradually. But I would not worry about it at the very beginning. Have fun!

When my son was about 8 months old, I bought Doman’s books and followed his instructions. It was nice and clear and simple.

Great advice! We used & loved the Doman books too & still refer to them sometimes although we are doing an ICAN program now.

Start slow, add one thing at a time, & work it into your schedule before adding more.

One thing that helped me is to do LR before or after a meal so that I had a cue to remember when to fit it in.

…& feel free to ask lots of questions!

I didn’t know what to do at first, either. I just spent an hour or two every so often writing to myself (and later, sometimes to BrillKids Forums!) about exactly what I should be doing. A lot of time what is needed is not so much research as getting clear in one’s own head what to do based on what one already knows.