All Mothers-to-be start exercising to have a slimmer baby ;)

Mom’s exercise may help ‘normalize’ baby’s weight

they have done they test on some preggies and the result was 5ounces in average lighter babies born to those who exercised, but the BMI of the babies were the same as the babies were same length.

The researchers had hypothesized that exercise might help maintain the women's sensitivity to the blood-sugar-regulating hormone insulin, which tends to decline in pregnancy. But there was no difference in insulin sensitivity between the exercisers and the non-exercisers.

lol …As long as there are no health problems related, I think it is fine to have a big or small baby…I guess it is just a bit easier to push at birth.

I think moderate exercise during pregnancy helped me stay in a good mood, stay busy and get out outside more!
My baby was healthy 7.5 pounds, So…
I will be definitely exercising during my next pregnancy :smiley:

There’s no doubt exercise in pregnancy is beneficial to both the mind and body but I can’t see why smaller babies would be considered a good thing when the majority of problems are with babes who are underweight and not overweight.

FWIW all my babes were between 3-4kg at birth and healthy and there was no real difference in my exercise routine. I think Mums and Bubs are all individual and their weight will reflect this. One more thing for drs and nurses to compare and bug us about and make us feel guilty if we don’t fit their profiles.

Exercise definitely helps! It produces those ‘feel good hormones’ that help you out on those blue days. I recommend that everyone at least go for a walk every day during pregnancy. As far as making your babies smaller, I am not sure but it stands to reason (my reason anyway) that anything that is good for mom is good for baby too.

Can’t remember where I read it but I believe that exercise also helps the baby develop a sense of balance while they’re still in utero.

I was doing acrobatics up to five days before I gave birth (obviously towards the end it wasn’t much more than the odd cartwheel) and my son has an incredible sense of balance and just doesn’t get dizzy. Maybe a coincidence maybe not.

Very interesting information. i think the important thing is to check before with your doctor just in case.
I am convinced that walking is one of the best and easy exercices and especcially near due date it is normally much recommended to hel the baby position for birth.

Interesting piece of information. I am a working mother and, i walk to office as this is the most simple way of exercise. I’ve heard from many of you and from friends who got pregnant that walking is good and best when near due date. I think fitness extremely counts when giving birth. :smiley: