age at which child be send to playway school.

My Hello to every member.

I have kid and i am planning to send him in a play way school, but elders in the family are opposing it, alleging that he is too small to attend any kind of school and as per them the child should not be send to school before 3-4 years.

So, could any one assist me in this regard.


How old is your child now?

The opinion held by your elders is not uncommon. Many people are against being taught at early ages. They are against even deliberately trying to teach your child (eg., reading) at home, so you can imagine how they would feel about sending them off to a learning institution. To them, this is not ‘natural’. In fact, anything that is not how it used to be is not ‘natural’ and therefore ‘bad’.

We just started a discussion here about this very subject:

To be fair, perhaps your elders are objecting because they think it’s ‘unhealthy’ for kids to be exposed to other kids at a young age, in terms of contracting illnesses from others. This is another topic. Also, in case I’m misunderstood, I’m not saying anything about homeschooling. Many people homeschool for many other (very valid) reasons. This too is another topic.

In your case, personally, I would encourage it. Felicity attended pre-nursery just before turning 2 (mind you, she was one of the youngest ones in her class) and I believe that has really helped her to develop in all sorts of ways. I feel it is even more important since she’s a single child and opportunities to interact with other children her age are very limited. And bottom line is, if she enjoys it and is having fun, then what’s the harm?

Of course, it is important that you find a school that’s suitable for you and what you want to accomplish. So even if you are against ‘teaching’ and you believe that learning should be exclusively through ‘play’, I’m sure there are schools which operate on that basis and it’s therefore more like a play group than a learning center.



Hi seema shokeen !

i fully agree with KL …I also sent my only kid at the age of 18mths to playgroup…he is turning 2yrs next mth…the child become more social n confident if he is exposed to the world early…otherwise till the age of 3yrs he is maximum with the family members n one day suddenly u sent him to school for 4 to 5 hrs…then the child will naturally feel shy n insecure…any ways playgroup is only for 2-3 hrs in a day…rest of the day he is with u n family…so there is ample time for the family to give the kid ur sanskars…

I personally feel that there is no harm in sending the kid to playgroup … there he will learn n observe many many things…n u can notice the positive diffrence within a short time.


Hey i was thinking that i will not send my kid before 4 years. but after reading above i have decided that i will send my kid in play school when he will turn 2

It depend what is your objective.

Sending kids too early to school might not be good because the child can pick up unwanted behaviour and it is difficult to undo. I suggest to send to playgrounp for a short time for learning, social and friend purposes. :biggrin:

Steven Yap

i think kids should be kept at home for as long as possible
there is a lot of research that shows kids learn far better at home then any where else
well known scholars like Dr Raymond More, John Holt, Glenn Doman and many many more talk about the long term harm early school does to your child
little kids are not emotional ready for the abandonment they feel when sent to school early
also kids don’t need socialization with other kids they need more time with mom and dad
little kids are not ready to sit for long hours
they are not ready to be cooped up indoors
they are not ready to have to learn at the same pace as the kid next to them

no nursery school will give your child the love, time, understanding, and intellectual opportunities that your home can offer
parents are the best teachers
anyway that is how i feel

I think it depends on your personal situation.

Our son attends a church Mother’s Day Out once a week for 6 hours. While I fully agree that a child is better off at home with Mother and Father than with strangers for the bulk of their time, I don’t feel that six hours away from mom and dad will cause any sort of harm.

On the contrary, our son LOVES going to playschool and always waves hi when we drive past the church. They play outside, mostly, which is fabulous for tiny children. It lets him explore a new environment and encounter different ways of thinking. It also gives him other people to learn from.

So, I would say anytime the child can part from mom for a small time without getting upset (18 months, perhaps) is fine.

yes it does depend
it is nice for parents to have some time off
seem like you found a lovely program
karma to you for finding something that worked for your family

I think it depends on the child itself…means if he is happy n ready to go to playgroup then their is no harm in sending him to a good one…

initially every child cries on going to school…atleast i havent come across any child who has not cried on the first day…

Gradually they get aquanted to the new environment and start liking it…so there is no question of abandonment feeling n all…

Instead in play group they teach through play so kids dont even recognize that they are forced to learn n all. kids enjoy the play n have nice time there if the playgroup is rightly choosen…one should checkout the activities caried out at the playgroup to be choosen for the kid.

My kid started liking his playgroup very soon n now he dont like sudays n mondays coz it is a Holiday at playgroup…

Very well said Tatiana! KArma to you!


My elder boy was sent to school when he was 2.5 years old and my younger one was sent to school right after he turned 18 months.

Both seem to turn out fine, and this is especially so for my 18 months who is so active at home. Now at school, he follows instructions and is able to do simple things like keeping his own shoes, feeding himself, clearing up his own utensils after he finishes his meal. He knows instructions like keeping his own toys too when he finishes playing. So that to me, is a huge milestone.

Back at home, he was almost exhausting both myself and my mum, who is the main caregiver. When we both got real exhausted, we basically ask him to nap more, or my mum would switch on the TV to ‘babysit’ him. So both activities do not serve any purpose in bonding with him. I had to work, so I would prefer him to go to school than to face the TV or ‘sleep more’.