after shes been born...

hi everbody…
after my daughter has been born… my tummy become untight… and my waitsline wasnt been the same at all. it never return… now im only less around 110lbs… and still frustrating to see my tummy… iim a little lazy exercising…i felt a little sprain in my ceasarian operation… i guess this is just in my mind…its been 3 1/2 years since my operation, a lotion product would be much appreciated…THANK YOU!!!

i dont think a lotion product will do for your problem, EXERCISE is the best thing!a few curl ups and bending is fine but of course please check with ur ob gyne before doing anything but as u said ur kid is almost 4 years so i guess it will be fine but again chekc with ur doctor before doing anything.

thanks for taking time replying to my post messages, its not that big belly but… i wanted to look more fit…like i used to be. i really apprecite your answer…you had a gourgeuos little kid… nice picture…GOD BLESS>>> :happy: