Affirmations? are they really useful for young kids ? are we wasting time?

Dear all,

I have seen some comments recently at the forum in regards affirmations and would love to hear what smart parents (ie all of you !!) have to say about it.

Thanks for your contribution much appreciated


I believe affirmations are extremely beneficial, not just to kids, but to any person, actually.

Our experience, to a very large degree, is influenced by our belief systems, including what we believe about ourselves. It affects us internally on our health, as well as externally in terms of how we perceive things.

Our beliefs about ourselves can be influenced significantly by affirmations, and that’s why they are so important. They are therefore more important for kids, whose beliefs about themselves (as well as the world) are still being formed.

Let me say this People like to hear that they did something well. little people NEED to know what they are doing well otherwise all they get is told not to do something or yelled at when they do something wrong but nothing when they are doing Good They actually start acting out in the bad ways because they get a response from you. they need to know you care. It builds a childs sence of self confidence to know they did something to make you happy. How would you like it if we all just went arround pointing out everything you did wring and never what you did right you are eventually going to think that you are a huge failure and have very low self esteme. We need positive feedback to build positive children… Just my thoughts on this.

Everyone needs to hear, from time to time, that they are doing a good job and they are loved. It helps people feel good about themselves and perform better. Have you ever worked at a job where you never received praise from the management, even if you knew you were doing a good job? It probably left you questioning yourself and made you dread working there. Everyone needs a boost from time to time, especially little ones. If they don’t hear positive affirmations, they may not strive to do their best, and they may end up with low self esteem.

Great thoughts !! - I agree with you - I start all my lessons with my daughter with affirmations - in fact I will post the ppt I made for her tomorrow.

Every one Have a Happy St Patrick Day - see ppt to celebrate the Irish !!

I just posted.

Happy DAY !!


I AM a Lovable ME! Affirmations for Children (Book Excerpt)
by Sharon Penchina, C. Ht and Dr. Stuart Hoffman

Telling children they are loved, lovable and special � and reinforcing this message every day from the time they are born (or even before they are born) � instills a core of confidence which will stay with them as they grow. Children should also learn at a young age to give themselves positive reinforcement.

To help even the youngest child develop and practice the core building blocks of constructive internal dialogue,

�Positive habit-building beginning at an early age has a dramatic effect on the subconscious mind,� comments Mark Victor Hansen, co-creator of the #1 New York Times best-selling series Chicken Soup for the Soul and co-author of The One Minute Millionaire.�


� Affirmations are positive, empowering statements.
� Affirmations promote optimistic self talk.
� They promote positive action.
� Positive affirmations build self confidence and self esteem.
� Positive affirmations create positive pictures in our minds.
� Affirmations are most powerful when we:
� Say them in the present tense.
� Write them down.
� Feel them strongly.
� Say them everyday.
� Affirmations form our behavior patterns and habits.
� They are the foundation of our internal dialog.
� Affirmations help us focus our thoughts in a healthy way.

Affirmations promote positive thinking, and you have the opportunity today to do the same!

The Self Improvement Store

I AM a Lovable ME! Affirmations for Children (Book Excerpt)
by Sharon Penchina, C. Ht and Dr. Stuart Hoffman
Email this article Printer friendly page
Other Articles On
Affirmations and Positive Affirmations

* Prosperity Affirmations - The ABC's of Affirmations - Part II of II
* Prosperity Affirmations - The ABC's of Affirmations - Part I of II
* Enthusiastic Affirmations for Glowing Health
* How to Make Focused Affirmations
* The Accidental Affirmation
* Money Affirmations: Why You Need to Change Your Thoughts First to Enjoy New Money Results
* Prosperity Affirmations: Can I Become Prosperous Just Through Affirmations?
* Money Affirmations: Why Are Affirmations Often Spoken in a "Dreamy" Voice?
* Spoken Affirmations to Enhance Health
* Your Law of Attraction Toolbox - Affirmations and Dream Cards

See All Articles on Affirmations and Positive Affirmations

Telling children they are loved, lovable and special � and reinforcing this message every day from the time they are born (or even before they are born) � instills a core of confidence which will stay with them as they grow. Children should also learn at a young age to give themselves positive reinforcement.

To help even the youngest child develop and practice the core building blocks of constructive internal dialogue,

�Positive habit-building beginning at an early age has a dramatic effect on the subconscious mind,� comments Mark Victor Hansen, co-creator of the #1 New York Times best-selling series Chicken Soup for the Soul and co-author of The One Minute Millionaire.�


� Affirmations are positive, empowering statements.
� Affirmations promote optimistic self talk.
� They promote positive action.
� Positive affirmations build self confidence and self esteem.
� Positive affirmations create positive pictures in our minds.
� Affirmations are most powerful when we:
� Say them in the present tense.
� Write them down.
� Feel them strongly.
� Say them everyday.
� Affirmations form our behavior patterns and habits.
� They are the foundation of our internal dialog.
� Affirmations help us focus our thoughts in a healthy way.

Affirmations promote positive thinking, and you have the opportunity today to do the same!

Author’s Bio
Sharon Penchina, C. Ht and Dr. Stuart Hoffman have written a series of books and audio CD�s (�I Am a Lovable Me!�) aimed at giving children the positive reinforcement they need daily!

A select group of extraordinarily talented world experts are offering you a big incentive upon doing one thing today. When you purchase any book in this series, you will get HUNDREDS of dollars in valuable bonus gifts FREE! All you have to do is follow the link to find out more!

To purchase your own copy and bonuses please visit:

I think they’re extremely useful, not only for children, but for adults as well. Imagine the effect negative words have on people, most adults that commit crime or don’t amount to anything have had negatve words spoken to them by their parents or figures of authority. I was just going to do some personal recordings of words of affirmation and play it in both my children’s rooms when they’re asleep.

Thanks everyone - Thanks Kyles mom for a great source and encouragement.

karma to you !!
