Advise needed - Left / Right brain activities


is it right to read to my kid by pointing to the words while reading? He is 2yrs old and i have been doing that since he’s 1yr old. Will this turn him to loose his right brain abilities? I worry… He now also point to the words that he knows on the book and start to read too… I feel happy that he could recognise those words but at the same time dilema since he is reading word by word. I also do words cards to show him, not so much on fast flash, but stick it on the wall… He is able to read after i read to him once… am i doing right…? Will he be overload with words if i were to continue introduce new words to him??

I have been showing him YBCR, LR too… These are left brain right?

what else should i do to improve his right brain? I am planning to get TW :slight_smile:
Also, what can i do on photographic memory or speed reading training?

Is linking memory games a left brain training or right brain training?

Thks in advance:)

You seem to be concerned only with right brain activities. Reading words by sight is fine. If you do words the slow way, sound out each letter as you point to it, then the fast way, run your finger under the letters left to right as you say the word, then your child will be able soon enough to sound out words he or she has never seen before rather than only knowing words previously memorized. Speed reading and memory training are great skills and they have been adapted for young learners.

Thanks very much Dr Miles R Jones ! I just worry he too focus on each word and causes him slowing down in reading :slight_smile:

Hi Zann,

You can customize LR so it can be more on the right-brain approach. What I do is to put the interval between words to a minimum. You can adjust this in “Auto Forward” menu in the lower right corner of the main LR screen. This way, it will be like rapid flashing which is a right-brain approach. In addition to your activities with your son, you can start incorporating more right-brain activities with him. In the Tweedlewink chart, 2yo should be taught 80% right-brain and 20% left-brain. Doing left-brained activities might make them bridge-over more quickly to the left-brain. I’ve attached the Tweedlewink chart here in this post so you can download it and see which activities you should be doing with your son per stage of development.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Thanks Vanessa!
In LR, did you adjust the “Auto forward delay” and “minimum slide Duration” ? I still not very sure how these two works to play the slide fast and yet doesn’t cut off the sound part. Sometimes my playback sound cut off … for eg… “blue skirt”… the playback sound cutoff and i only could hear “blue ss”


I too have that problem when I put intervals to a minimum. What I did was just turn the pronunciation off and say the words myself. I think there’s no other way… It’s easy enough to do and the subtitles are there to cue you what the next word is.

Hi Vanessa ,
Am also trying to put the interval to minimum and turn the sound off …
But , what is the subtitle you are talking about …
Where can we get the subtitles ?

Thanks in advance …


Sarekha - Go to the “playback settings” tab. There is a section “subtitles”. You can turn on subtitles for the current slide and/or the next slide. You can make the font tiny or large.