Advice on Montessori books

For those who use Montessori method:

What reference would you recommend? I mean books, websites.

I’m really new to this subject, so anything right from the beginning is OK.

Thank you.

My favorite book is “Montessori From The Start: The Child At Home, Birth to Age 3” by Paula Polk Lillard and Lynn Lilard Jessen. I check it out of the library periodically and check on new stages. It’s the best one I’ve found to explain how Montessori principles apply to small children.

Of course, “best” does not mean “do absolutely everything they recommend.” You do not have to buy every piece of equipment they mention; many equivalents can be made at home or bought cheaply and altered. But it is a good source of theory and ideas.

When you get into applying it with toddlers, Shen Li has a ton of Montessori albums free online. But the albums won’t be useful until you understand the theory.

Thank you Wolfwind.

By you experience, do you think it can help even if the child is attending a full-time school? I mean, there is a little time with parents on week days.

Other than Maria’s own books, I really like John Bowman’s Montessori at Home.

How to Raise an Amazing Child the Montessori Way by Tim Seldin is my favorite book for those new to Montessori.

The Montessori at Home ebook by John Bowman is also GREAT, and can now be found on Amazon as “How To Help Your Child Build a Better Brain.”

Two great blogs that are beneficial are Counting Coconuts and

And yes, a Montessori environment at home will be very beneficial even if your kid is in school!

Good luck!

Thank you all. So far I have not started my Montessori study as I’m still learning a lot about EL, Doman, etc.

But I took note of all yours advises.

check these ,

My favourite is

Montessori: The science behind the Genius

:yes: This is a GREAT book! I think it’s unique. It takes every step of Montessori method and looks at it in detail and helping the reader answer the ‘why’ and understand the ‘how’. I did read a little of Maria Montessori’s book ‘Absorbent Mind’ and it’s always comforting to read her books. But with so many methods around we, at least I, tend to look for the reasons behind the structure of a method and if it works.

I also like the book “Montessori At Home” from Details about it are here:

I like to combine Montessori with Doman for the first years. I’ve seen great results with toddlers who follow the Montessori method. It is really structured very well. She WAS a genius.
