Advice on going back to work

Hi, I was after a little advice on going back to work.

I might have the opportunity to either go back 9am-5pm on a 5 day fortnight (Mon & Tues one week and Mon, Tues & Weds the next), OR 10am-4pm every Mon, Tues and Weds. I’m unsure what would be best for my son and future kids in terms of making the most quality time together. If anyone has an opinion on this I would love to hear it. Thanks

That’s a hard one to give advice to. It’s such a personal thing and different for each family. I stay at home now but I did ok working when my first was about two. I stopped when my second was born. I just couldn’t leave my newborn, even though I loved my sitter :rolleyes: Now I have four kids and I think I would only be working to pay for daycare so I stay home. Luckily hubby makes enough! I would like to have something to do once my littlest is a little older though. I have been working on my Elementary Education degree but I’m not sure if that’s what I will end up doing.

I wish you luck in what you need to do, I hope it works out for you and your kids. It sounds great that you seam to have a nice part time schedule with some flexibility.

I believe I read in the book “Why love Matters” that when choosing to go back to work it is best to choose the shortest shifts possible. Something to the tune that children will find it less stressful if they are gone for shorter periods of time, even if that means leaving them more days.

All the best in your decision. I think it is a tough one. Do you have the option to try one schedule for a month and the other schedule for a month and compare which one is better for your family?

going back to work is really tough! after spending time at home with ur kid, its really difficult but one thing to consider is what will be best for u and your kid and ur whole family.

consider all the pro’s & cons in making ur decision.

good luck and hope that ur decision will be the best for u n ur family.

HI Jillpea, Just like you, I decided to work again 3 months after I gave birth. It was really really tough, especially when I have to leave my baby in my in-laws :nowink: It will always be hard. Given the choice, I’d rrather stay home and teach my baby to read all day with this little reader. lol It’s been 2 months now, it feels a little better becuase my son is bigger and older. It’s always nice to come home at the end of the day, its something that I always look forward to. Good luck to you!

I have been lucky enough to have 12 months off, however in 2 weeks I will be heading back to work. I so much don’t want to do it. To ease back into things and hopefully make life not too stressful for my wonderful boy, I’m taking 2 days a week annual leave and working 3 days. I’ll do this for 10 weeks to test the waters and during that time make some decision on what my next move will be. I am supposed to be going back to full time work early September, but I’m thinking even if I do 4 days instead of 5 I get that little bit more time with what matters the most. I’m not sure how flexible they will be at work, but I can only ask and see what they say. Good luck to all returning to the workforce. I am looking forward to the extra income so I can spend it on a cubby house :smiley: