Advice needed! Math Program for 1 year old

I would appreciate any advice and link to resourses to teach math to 1 year old.
Currently we’re doing LM, my DD likes it so far :yes:
We are also doing counting of the objects and singing song with numbers in different languages, etc.
I will be rereading Doman’s “How To Teach Your Baby Math”

I would appreciate activities, programs for this age group.
Thanks in advance!

hi nadia!
well, if you’re doing LM, then you really won’t need to do much else until after she is finished with that program. it’s after that things start to get difficult b/c you can’t test and who knows if they are going to understand y=7.
i started my DD on doman when she was 7 months. we have gone through that program suggested in the book, as well as flashed all of the shichida 65 day program (that can be downloaded on the LM site, you might want to try that once you’ve gone through everything.) you flash that program 1ce for 65 days and then repeat it 2x. i only did it once b/c she got bored. that is the problem. it seems that the trick is to get your DD to start recognizing numbers once they go through the =+,-,X,/ so that is what we are doing now. it is also important to do greater than/less than, and do it both with numerals and dots. we are also doing that now.

and it is also IMPERATIVE that you work with a number line when you introduce numerals. so that they understand addition and subtraction equally with numerals. because, and it makes perfect sense, the numeral 3 looks bigger than a numeral 7. so they really have to understand the concept with numerals. and i guess once you get to that point, not enough time is spent on subtraction so its good to do that. just walk your DD forward on the numberline (put numbers on the floor) and backward as you ask her to add and subtract. (i hope i’m explaining that right).

anyway, i got a lot of great advice from dr. jones geniuses. he has great programs to teach young ones reading and math. it is more left brain, but he suggests starting around 18 months or so. if you email him he will call you back and answer any questions you have. the best part is he has online classes every week you can sign up for so you can ask all the questions you want. it is great! worth the $$. like having doman or pamela to guide you through the process!
here’s the website:

feel free to PM me with any other questions, as i have been through it and struggled to find something to take us to the “next step”
good luck!
the doc :clown:

A number line…when do you use negative numbers? When I think number line, I think -10 all the way to 0 and then up to +10, But that is too advanced for an 18 month old right? Maybe then just 0-20. I think I might get some of the huge writing strips and put a really long, visible one up in the hallway, with Doman style dots underneath each numerical character.

no… just put numbers 1-10 on the floor and physically walk forwards and backwards as you do simple simple addition/subtraction. and talk to them and count out loud as you do it. dots might work as well, but i think this is to help your child transition from quantity to numerals. and i think as long as your DD is ready to transition to numerals then you should do it. my DD is 16 mo. and we have started it. plus, i’m flashing < and > with both numerals and quantity. i’m using that to transition as well.
hope that is clear! good luck!
the doc :clown:

Thank you, Doc, for such detailed info. Karma to you
From what I see now we will be doing LM, and in 6 months will call Dr. Jones :yes:
We started LM at about 9 months, before that I tried it a couple times, but she was not interested :frowning:
I downloaded 65 day Program as well, but after showing it for a week, decided against it since she started to get bored.
We will do SM after we’ll be done with LM , if she will show interest :slight_smile:
Now I show 1 day LM splitting the contents in 4-6 sessions and almost every night downloading for her some new images, just to keep her interested,
so far so good. That is the reason I am looking for different types of math activities, to keep her interested.
I love the idea of walking her up and down the numbers, for now we will be doing this activity using dot cards :slight_smile:

you know, my DD really doesn’t like LM :frowning: but she does like it to see numbers and dots LM. so instead of me making a set of number cards, i’ve been using LM for that.
however, she loves it when i flash the dot cards. go figure. you might want to keep that up with your little one.
good luck!

I’ll piggy-back on this thread and ask about the 18-24 month old age group.

Our boy knows his basic numbers 0-9, we bought an awesome vinyl floor mat/runner with the numbers 1-20 on it that he enjoys running up and down (got this idea from the book Magic Trees of the Mind), and we sort things and count things, but what else??? We do LM, but not as religiously as LR - his attention doesn’t hold as well to it, although he loves it when the 100 flash comes on (he yells “100!”).

He’s not old enough to do workbooks, and I don’t want to spend a fortune on dedicated Montessori props, although I love them.

Any more ideas for this age group?


This is probably too basic, but a week or two I bought a wooden toy that has been a huge hit.

It looks similar to this,

but all of the peices are round rings and each peg is labeled 1-5. DD loves to take the rings on a off and has started counting them as she plays with it. That is amazing because while she has been able to “count” verbally for a couple of months, only over the last month with LM and working with her one-on-one has she started to gain the concept that numerical characters stand for an amount of something. It’s finally “sinking in” and the repeating numbers aren’t just something she is parroting.

wanted to share some neat ideas I found on this website

Mom2Ross- Where did you buy your floor runner? Thanks.

i think now the most important thing is to start to transition your DD from quantity to numerals. and make sure you do greater than less than. those 2 things should keep you occupied for at least a month or so, then start doing arithmetic with just numbers and see how she does.
good luck,
the doc :clown:
ps: i would LOVE to know where you got that mat! sounds perfect for us!

It’s not the best quality - the edges roll up a bit after it’s been tightly rolled up, and it’s hard to keep it in one place (we use painter’s tape to keep it stuck to our wood floor)…

but, it’s terribly fun for my boy to run up and down the number line and Marion Diamond (author of Magic Trees of the Mind) claims that kids have a much easier time of math if they can easily “float” up and down the number line in their heads without struggling too much. she might have even suggested getting a life-sized number line or I might have just jumped to that conclusion myself!

i’ll have to check Chapter 5 of the book to remember.

highly recommended book!


I try to encourage my 2 year old to use numbers all the time. He asks for crackers and i ask him how many. after he counts on his fingers for a minute his usual response is 3. Sometimes (when asking for m&ms) he will decide to add to that number after he sees how much three looks like. but as far as learning math that is all he will do. If i try to ask him to answer a math equation that does not equal food he won’t have anything to do with it, anyone see a way around this?

LOVE the idea of asking how many crackers your child wants.

Number line 1-20 on sale right now for 12.95. Might just have to get one!

I think that’s a good price - I believe I paid a bit more than that.

I need to dig up the quote from Marion Diamond that mentions why the number line is a good idea…

Finally decided to buy that number line and of course I am kicking myself because it’s no longer on sale. what a drag.

if it makes you feel any better, that was a cheap-o one and probably wouldn’t have lasted that long… and i think it only went from 1-10. i bought one form learning resources for $20ish and it is vinal, very sturdy and goes from 0-30. i’m very happy with it,
the doc :clown:

LOL it doesn’t! Because it was from Learning Resources and went 0-20! Exactly what I needed! Darn it.