Hi all,
I am after advice on teaching my toddler French. Here is the background information:
My daughter is 17months old and we speak English at home. She has a very large productive vocabulary (says 400 words) and is just starting to string words together. She does seem to have an incredible memory - reminding me of things we need to buy at the shops that I might have said 2 days prior. We have just started LR and LMus. We will not do LMath but use other methods
One of her grandparents speaks fluent French but is extremely nervous/embarrassed about trying to teach my daughter. They spend 1 whole day together a week (8 hours) and one afternoon (about 3 hours).
So I’m wondering a few things
- is it best to delay starting for another year or so, until my daughter has a good grasp on the English language? Or would it be best to start as soon as possible? Are there arguments to go both ways on this?
- what advice/encouragement can I give to her grandparent?
- any tips on a plan/structure etc for me? do I fill in the rest of the week with electronic activities? or do I just leave it to these 2 days when she shes her grandparent?
- should I incorporate French into LR or stick with English
thanks in advance for any advice