Advice and tips for teaching young babies (>1)

Hi all
I’ve been teaching my daughter since she was 6 month-old (she’ll be 10 months in a week or so) and thought we could collect a few tips.

Mine would be:

  • Put your material in many convenient places, in as many rooms as you can.
    My daughter’s been a very active baby early on and I have to jump on the slightest availability (when she is not busy dancing, babbling, crawling after a ball or shaking a toy) to flash or show her a few signs.

  • Do not start to many things at once… it’s better to have a limited but consistent program, and don’t be discouraged if you haven’t done anything in days.

-If I had to do it again, I’d start even earlier, before my daughter was able to roll over, crawl, climb etc.

Any more tips for little ones?

This really makes sense! Thanks for the tips and advice!

_ When baby becomes a peek-a-boo fan (around 6, 7 months of age in our case), you can play it with the flashcard. I do it when she is having a bath to get her attention, she goes looking for the card and then concentrate for the 5 seconds of the presentation… Or hide them behind your back when you’re both on the floor or in the high-chair.

Good tips, i like"limited but consistent" :yes:

Change your material each week. This makes it easy to remember when you need to move on. Show your materials Sunday through Saturday and then switch.