Add your question or answer the question/s taking into account your experience

Since I began in this adventure, many matters apppear in my mind over and over again. I have read about the fantastic progress of your babies in reading, music, maths and so on. I have read and read as well, not only here. The world of early learning is new for me, and I am very interested in this subject.
I would like to make you some questions, they appear in the post of marialuisa and her lovely Alejandra. I have wanted to copy them here in order to have our questions, the new members of the forum, and your answers, the experienced teachers. I would like that if you have a question, write here, at the bottom. It would a good idea to copy the first 14 questions and add your question, if possible. Those parents with experience can teach a lot. It is a fact.

  1. Does your daughter mix the 3 languages? What do you do then?

  2. What language programmes have you used to teach your lovely daughter? Advantages and disadvantages of these programmes, if possible.

  3. What resources do you use apart from your language programmes? Flashcards, powerpoint presentations,…

  4. How often was your daughter watching the programmes every day?

  5. Do you speak the three languages native speaker?

  6. How many sessions for each language?

  7. Main points of Glenn Doman´s theory

  8. What do you think about Glenn Doman theory? Do you agree in all her thoughts?

  9. What do you prefer: a gifted child or a child good at reading/music/maths…?

  10. State school for our children?

  11. How does this teaching, LR…, affect our children in their relationship with their environment?

  12. Is it wrong to avoid to teach the first language first in order to be more inmmersed in the target language?

  13. Can you recommend specific language programmes taking into consideration aspects such as languague, method…?

  14. How old was your baby when s/he read her/his first word? Do you remember that word?

  15. Apart from language development learning, what do you do with your child every day?? Massage, swimming, dancing, looking through a window to relax him/her when s/he wakes up…

Ok, I hope it helps all parents who are beginning in this beautiful language learning development. :slight_smile: Sometimes I think that it is not so good, sometimes I think that it is wonderful.

Happy teaching mums and dads!!!

  1. Does your daughter mix the 3 languages? What do you do then? No neither my DD nor my DS mix the 4 languages we use for teaching they usually respond on the language they are approached, however when they lack words :smiley: they either use sign language or ask “mama, how do I say it… in English”

  2. What language programmes have you used to teach your lovely daughter? Advantages and disadvantages of these programmes, if possible.

Little Reader – for Chinese, English and some Russian ( best resource possible in my opinion, best part – lessons are never the same and it is highly customizable! Also an incredible on line library of free additional lessons in 27 languages and counting!), Little Pim for Chinese and (some) Spanish; Various Russian programs (mainly documentaries, educational videos, flashcards); Wink to Learn, Dancing/Singing with Mei Mei for Chinese

  1. What resources do you use apart from your language programmes? Flashcards, powerpoint presentations, books, play time with native speakers, listening to audio recordings while driving in the car (Russian and Chinese classics, Russian and Chinese songs and poems…

  2. How often was your daughter watching the programmes every day? From about 4 month and up, different at different ages, at the beginning till about a year, just in increments of 5-10 minutes a few times a day, later it can be 30-40 minutes

  3. Do you speak the three languages native speaker? 1 - yes, 2 - no

  4. How many sessions for each language? We never had it too organized :slight_smile: , just trying to give them as much exposure to languages as possible. Whenever we tried to organize a certain number of session, or too rigid of a schedule, it never worked out, and so it was more of a discouragement. We simply trying to be consistent and doing our best

  5. How does this teaching, LR…, affect our children in their relationship with their environment? In our case it gave them a lot of additional exposure, improved their vocabulary and I believe it played an important part in them being outgoing, sociable, easy going kids

Only had a chance to answer a few questions :smiley: will try to do more later!.

Hi Skylark,

Thank you for all your answers. They help me. I agree with you. LR is very complete and the fact that you can customize the lessons is something incredible and helpful in order to motivate our babies or toddlers. I am reading the book how to multiply the inteligence… by Glenn Doman. Now I have ordered how to teach… your baby to read… It is incredible that I have found it now. It is not something very known. And it is a big treasure. I do not pretend to make a gifted daughter, but it would be good to help her be a person who loves reading. My niece is now 12 years old. She reads about 30 books in summer and she does not know LR. And I wonder, will be my daughter similar to her?? 30 books are too many.

The question number 11 is very important for me. Thank you again.

Any new answer?? :wub:

Shirlak, if you had time to answer the rest of questions, I would be very grateful.