I found them on YouTube. Most of them have nice big writing and great picture on white backgrounds.
Thank you so much! :laugh:
I went on the site but couldn’t find the flashcards. Could you send the link to that? Sorry, I have been on there for half an hour and only found the Australian animals flashcards. Thanks!
I too like you surfed the website for some time and the ones I found are - I think if you go to ‘Educational’ link (it’s a horizontal link on second row) you should find some.
But I am not sure if these are the same ones that author meant.
I can’t find also
The only ones I found were flash cards for sign language under the educational tab. Were these the ones you were talking about? Are there any more? If so, where are they?
I think Luckylucy was referring to Early Learning flashcard videos at
I posted the corresponding YouTube urls in the Video Gallery Forum section:
Hi everyone,
Sorry I didn’t reply sooner. I came across the Activity Village flashwords on You Tube when I was surfing for Tweedle Wink videos. I haven’t tried to find them again on You Tube though. I didn’t realize they would be so hard to find a second time. Maybe if you you use the words Tweedle Wink the other videos will come up.
Dear LuckyLucy, Rima & Everyone,
Thank you for finding these! They are great!
- Ayesha
my son love these vedios thanks :biggrin:
Wow I will show dd some of these videos later. She will love them. Thank you for sharing!