Activities to enhance solar system learning

Miss S is showing a huge interest in the solar system (hooray) I am just wondering beside from making a solar system mobile is there any other activites i can do to enhance my dd’s enjoyment in learning about the Milky Way?

Looking for interactive Ipad apps,
Crafty things to do
Recommendation for a really good dvd.
Anything else?

See how much she would weigh on other planets:

We have a nature trail with the distance between planets to scale on it. From the sun to mercury is about 20 feet. We usually make it to Jupiter or Saturn before we turn around when we’ve got all of the little ones with us. Maybe there is a similar trail near you, or you could re-create one yourself.

Get a feel for how big each planet is compared to each other:

My husband and I are dreaming of building a monolithic dome. When we do, we’re going to make a display of all of the planets, showing how big they would be if our home was the sun. Get a perspective on how big the solar system is. So big! Wow. Good luck, it sounds like you’re having fun. :slight_smile:

With my son, I think it would be fun to make a log of what time the moon rises/set each day. Then talk about/see if he can make the connection with the moon phases and the time it rises and sets. For example, a full moon always rises around sunset, a new moon rises at dawn. He is just now learning the moon phases. It is so cute to hear him say “waxing gibbous.”

We have the 3D Solar Walk app. I haven’t had much of a chance to play with it but it appears very good although sometimes I get lost & no matter how much I orbit I can’t find the sun again… but I think that’s user technique not the app:-)

Sorry Kimba,
Only just noticed this!
Alex with through a VERY LONG space/universe phase, and still is quite enamored! I think we must have about ten different apps,loads of books, and various resources. I will try to help with our favorites…

Apps: these frustrated me the most as the seem to be very hit-or-miss, and not at a great price!
We also have Solar Walk, and it is Gorgeous…but very difficult for young children to navigate, and so overwhelming with detail that I am not sure it is truly worth it for her. Daddy, however, really likes it!

If you are looking for a detailed app, with a lot of info for EL, good pictures and organization? I suggest the Encylclopedia Britannica Kids Solar System App!

A fun app for younger kids, or one slightly older kids can navigate on their own and still learn a lot from is one called iLearn Solar System by Animagik. This is by far Alexs favorite and she can tell you how many moons Saturn has! It has a quiz section as well…

We also have many, many books on the moon and the solar system, but her favorites are the USborne books (called the Solar System) and the spotter cards.

Not sure if the space program in your country has something similar to this program, but I would do just about anything if they would open this program by NASA for homeschoolers! If your kiddos go to a traditional school in the USA, PLEASE mention this to their teachers! It is called the NASA Junior Explorers Program:

Thanks Keri, glad it’s not just me then that has the same problem with solar walk … younger kids have it too lol

mybabyian - waxing gibbous; I can just imagine him conversing with his fellow 2 year olds :slight_smile:

Thank you so much everyone. It is school holidays here soon and I thought I would make the solar system mobile with her.

I will definetly check out the NASA program. Keri I am in Australia have checked out a couple of observatories to take her to but we don’t have much of a space program that I know about.

I will also check out the apps

I thought I would also mention that September 22 is International Observe the Moon night, with activities planned around the world…it is a really fun way to connect globally and learn about other cultures as well,
Here is a link with the information:

Also, I know it isn’t the same but most major planetariums offer virtual tours as well, and NASA has both virtual tours and even NASA TV. There is even a NASA TV app…

With my kids, I took a mobile template and turned it into a necklace for the kids to wear. It was a small mobile so its not too big. My kids loved them, and they still pull them out to wear. (I laminated the sun and planets because my kids still put everything in their mouths). lol Here is the mobile link I used:

I also liked this printable:

I thought this video was simple and short. My son asked for it a lot.

Have fun!

If you go to this page at NASA, you’ll find TONNES of activities, experiments, and miscellaneous other lessons all about space and space travel. Pour a cup of coffee before you sit down, though - there’s a lot of stuff here.

I printed off a booklet a few weeks ago called “High Flyers Alphabet…something or other” book :slight_smile: Each page has a line to practice printing the letter and then the remainder of the page is an activity to correspond with that letter. Your child may not be ready for it right now, but there may be some other parents who might read this and see a fit for their child.

My son loves learning about space and planets. We have a big wall poster with the solar system on it in the nursery. Thank you for the shares? I think he’ll love it!