Acronyms Explained

I just thought I’d start this thread because when I first got on baby forums there are SO MANY acronyms, I felt like I was unsure what everyone was talking about. I’ll list ones I’ve learned and leave blank the ones that I still don’t know until someone posts and I can edit this initial post to include it.

If you have some you’d like explained, feel free to post them!

CIO-Cry it out
DD-Dear Daughter
DH-Dear Husband *thanks nhockaday
DS-Dear Son
-Down Syndrome
EK-Encyclopedic Knowledge
FIL-Father in law
LD-Learning Disability
LO-Little one
LM-Little Math(a math program available on BrillKids)
LR-Little Reader(a reading program available on BrillKids)
MH-Mentally Handicapped
MIL-Mother in Law *thanks nhockaday
MSMD-MonkiSee MonkiDo
POI-Pieces of Information
WTL-Wink to Learn
YBCR-Your Baby Can Read

DH- dear husband

Good idea Ouroboros1 !

I remember when I first started reading forum posts and feeling completely lost…but I started in the fertility forums and, boy, there’s a lot more over there! Acronyms you don’t even want to let your imagination try to figure out! lol


EK - Encyclopedia Knowledge


Wink to Learn

POI-Pieces of Information?

Yep. Pieces of Information

Also MSMD - MonkiSee MonkiDo

Wait…maybe it’s Points of Interest…that would work, too. :slight_smile:

I thought it was points of intelligence like bits of intelligence? Maybe I’m wrong though.

POI is actually Programs of Intelligence - according to Doman. :biggrin:

Ahhh…the mystery is explained lol