People have counted, added and subtracted with an abacus since ancient times. The name comes from the Greek word, abax, meaning “board” or “calculating table”, used for doing or teaching arithmetic." Arithmetic includes addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The abacus can also be used to work with fractions and with finding square and cube roots.
The advantages of its use over pencil or pen arithmetic is time . It is faster than writing down the problem and solving it. When working with the abacus one just needs to be accurate. You leave the memory work to the abacus frame.
Hi All,
Im Ivy from Malaysia.
I have 2 children who 4 years old and 2 1/2 years old.
Both of them have not join the abacus class.
I wondering will they confuse the maths calculation format comparing abacus and normal maths formula.
What is the suitable age to start the abacus?
To start learning the abacus math, one should be prepared for, at a minimum, basic number counting from 1 to 10 and backward. The earliest recommended age to start the abacus math is normally about 5 years old, but I think that Doman Brillkids can definitely start earlier !!!