ABA Program for autism

Is anyone else doing an ABA program for there autistic child?

Just bumping up your thread. I know there are a few parents of autistic children on here.

For any parents of young children with autism I can’t tell you enough how the ABA (Applied Behaviour Analysis) has changed my son’s life. They have given me the skills to reach him, and his the skills to sit in class, learn and make friends. Its just amazing. I mix in a bit of Doman style learning with the ABA therapy and my son is thriving so much.

Actually I have taken on the challenge of helping homeschool an autistic preschooler, but also with Hyper Disorder. So any suggestions would help. I have been trained in Special needs but each child’s disabilities is different. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

What worked with my son was

  • a token board, and rewarding him for the smallest good behaviors at the beganning and slowing making it more challenging to get those tokens. Now we are at the point were we can work at home without a token board, they still us it at daycare though.
  • not letting him get away with ANY bad behavior, by aways following through. You give him an inch and he will take a mile. But if I keep showing him that no matter what the rules apply he challenges me less.
    -Setting him up to successed. If he’s doing a puzzle and is getting frustrated, i might gently point to the right spot without making a big deal about it. You have to really be able to judge when the child is slightly frustrated on when we are about to hit a temper tantrum. Its ok to be slightly frustrated but try to avoid so frustrated they don’t know what to do with themselves.
  • Always keep an up beat tone and lots of praise when child is behaving, and monotone voice and quick error correction when the child is misbehaving or makes an error during lessons. Sometimes its the “Oppie daisy!” That is actually more rewarding to the child, so they continue to make errors to hear that because its funnier then “Great Job!”
    LOL I hope this helps I had to type it twice because the first time my free wifi ran up

Thanks for the info. We are practicing that now. A routine i so important but when there is no routine at home then what do we do, the best we can is all. I only tutor 3 x a week for 1 hour, that’s all the time the family has that I am helping.

Well you can make a difference in those 3 hours a week, I just know it. It may take alittle longer, but soon s/he will learn your expectations and you will be able to do so much for that child. :slight_smile:

Hi Waterdreamer,

Following your last advice for me to take my son for a screening for autism, I have done some surveys and research and have ordered some books to educate myself. They are the following:

  1. A Work in Progress: Behavior Management Strategies & A Curriculum for Intensive Behavioral Treatment of Autism

  2. The Verbal Behavior Approach: How to Teach Children With Autism and Related Disorders

  3. The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decision for Your Child (Sears Parenting Library)

  4. Autism: The Journey Back, Recovering the Self Through Heilkunst

I have only received no.4 which I’m reading currently. I’m really looking forward to receiving no.1 (ABA) and no.2 so I could start implementing some of the strategies with my son. My pediatrician didnt take me seriously so I’ve decided to take matters into my own hands.

Have you ever considered " homeopathy" to treat your son?

Hello VictoriaC,
Thats great that your reading all these books. May I suggest all the Jenn McCarthy books about autism and A Child’s Journey out of Autism: One Family’s Story of Living in Hope and Finding a Cure by Leeann Whiffen.
Yes i have done some nature treatments for my son. We are gluten and dairy free. We did the blood allergy test, and the heavy metal hair ayalysis. We did a few detoxs and at one point my son was on a bunch of herbs, vitamins and minerals. Once he had his tonsils and adnoids removed I found his body could fight for its self and I removed him from all his suppliments except a basic multivitamin. He is still dairy and gluten free, but I’m thinking of reintroducing gluten again soon for a test run, its been almost 2 years being gluten free and 3 years dairy free.

I teach students with autism and there are heaps of resources out there. While I don’t always buy, I get a lot of my ideas from Ebay ( search Autism or special needs under Ebay) There are some very creative clever and resourceful parents who subsidise their children’s therapy by making resources to share. There are also heaps of books and software to buy. My students who are 7 especially love the “Bounce Spectrum” musical therapy CD and DVD 's. not sure of the address.
Hope this helps.

HI waterdreamer,

Thank you for introducing those books, i’ll certainly check them out. By the way, you mentioned that your son went through some detox therapies, do you mean detoxing from the various childhood vaccinations that supposedly shocked the body system?

Hi VictoriaC,
Well I suspect it was too many vaccinations too soon, I mean my son had about 15 words at 17months and then at 18 months after the MMR Vaccine he developed a high fever a few hours after an lost his words :frowning: But I’m not going to get into a debate all I know is what happened and that his heavy metal testing came back high in a few things.

Thank you for the suppport, and the book lists as well.

We are working on a schedule now, and taking the advice of others about the gluten free and non dairy diet. The parents are finally agreeing with me. I am a natural health consultant and you would not believe the true case studies that I have read about the vaccinations causing reactions, and I too with my own eyes have seen some as well. But anyway no debate here, but I wanted to thank everyone for the ideas and support.

We have a homeopathic doctor here where we live and he states that sometimes high levels of certain metals, minerals, and vitamins can cause some reactions, he has helped me like no other doctor has. He has a microscope called a darkfield, and a special analysis machine that came from Sweeden. He as far as I know is the only one here in the US that has this special equipment. So we do believe in homeopathy. I am considered an herbalist, I do not mix in with the homeopathic since I am not a certifide doctor.

:confused: Ihave been trying to put my grandson to glueten diet over a month no sucsess :confused: .Iam trying not to give yeast product as he has yeast inflamation . He has high sence in smelling he even smell water .He smells even remedy that i put in water. Has any body tried any sort of bread with baking powder instead of yeast . :unsure: