A tiny apartment with 24 rooms in Hong Kong

Dear Everyone,

This is brilliant!:



I could have used that when the bub was born - we lived in a one room granny flat for the first year - it was extremely cramped.

That man is a genius.

That is cool.

Wow, with all those movimg walls for switching room he definitely will not get bored.
Excellent design especially for a place like Hong Kong.

Amazing! But only for a person without kids. It will be crazy to live here with kids. :slight_smile:

OMG, that was AMAAAAAZING! I would give an arm to have my flat modeled like that, in such a fantastically small area, too! It has to be interesting living in that type of space.

Although I wonder how it would be like to have to remember which panels to move to get from your bedroom to your bath in the morning… you have to be extra alert lest you find yourself pulling the wrong panel in case of an emergency!


Ohhhh, I liked tat Lappy.
If you rnt it it has to say Not For Emergencies. :yes:

Imagine carrying a young baby and having to push panels. haha! Remote control please!

That’s quite ingenious. I wonder how much it would cost to contract him to redo an entire apartment building similarly? That would certainly improve many of the apartments near me.

What a great use of space.

I’d like to know what he pays for rent. Even this little place should cost lots of money in Hong Kong :mellow:

Didn’t I hear him say it’s his family home at the start of the video?

This is beyond genius! Wish I could hire him to redo my place.