A Question about Consistency of Language with LR

I speak Spanish 100% of the time to my 9 month old daughter. However, I’m also the primary person who does Little Reader with her. This seems like it could be a point of confusion as she always hears Spanish from me, but I’m doing an English word lesson with her.

Have any other parents dealt with this and had issues?

In my case, I am the only one who do the teaching in my family. I used to speak Thai to him 100%, even when I did LR-English with him. He was really confused. When he started reading, he would read the English words in Thai, e.g when he saw “dog”, he would read " ma".

I realized that did not work for us. I opt not to speak Thai when I do English lessons with him. Now, the only time I will speak English is when we watch LR/LM or other English lessons. This has worked for us. My son does not get confused anymore. He can comfortably switch langguages when he speaks to me and my husband (who only speaks English to him.)

I want to know what others have done too, so let’s hear what other parents have to say about this. :slight_smile:

My son is also bilingual. I use both languages with him, because when I read books in english or have diferent lessons in english I use English. I also try slide shows in my native language but its hard to keep the balance. I want him to know words in english since that will be his every day language but at tha same time it’s important to me that he will be able to speak and read in my language.
My concept is to use one language at a time, using clear sentences, not mixing the words from different languages. Again, sometimes it’s hard (maybe just for me).
I forgot to mention that I’m also working on his spanish as the third language so with that it really takes time and energy to do my best. But no matter what I know it worth it!

Hello Stodd!
I am also of Hungarian mother tongue, and i would ask some questions from you.
I would like to know how you have your son taught the Hungarian language, How much do you talk to her in Hungarian during the day,what other teaching method do you use and, and if you could recommend materials for that…I have also a daughter. She is 26 months old, but until now I have no age-appropriate Hungarian books, materials found for her.

Would be very grateful for any advice .Thank you.

Hi Sidonia!
I’m really happy I’ve found an other Hungarian!
answering your questions: when my son was about a month or 2, I decided to start to talk to him in Hungarian. Since then that is our primary language. It was not easy and still not, but my husband is really nice and understending and good thing we are on the same page with the whole bilingual and early educational thing (We live in the US. Where do you live?)
We started YBCR when he was 13 months old and a little later, when it was clear that it worked I started to make him hungarian flash cards. It worked but as you know, the whole structure of our language is different from English and it makes it more difficult for me to teach him to read. Now he is 3 (was 3 in Nov) and can read in English really good but not much in Hungarian. Even though I still show him slide shows every day-usually that’s how we start our day, because he’s still relaxed. I have some books from Hungary we read regularily and I also use You Tube a lot. If you would like to discuss the details you can send me a personal message.
In general, I try to show, teach him everything in Hungarian but again, sometimes it’s really difficult and I don’t think I could do that if I couldn’t stay home with him.

Thanks for the replies. Mae_Jacob_Ka, I may be headed down the same road you went down. I think I’ll take a break from the Spanish and just speak in English during the LR sessions. Just one language at a time makes a lot of sense.