A new dad to this forum are there any other dads out there?

Hello all,
I’m a recently unemployed dad who is now the stay at home parent. My daughter is 8 months old and I was doing some research on baby learning. Then I found this site and the youtube video’s and it’s all I’ve been able to think about since. Right brain teaching truely is amazing and very exciting. I have ordered ybcr and downloaded LR and am ready to start learning with my daughter. Great forum!

Hi and welcome to the forums. It is great to have you here! There are a few other dads here, in fact, our founder, KL, is a dad!
It’s great to know that you are playing such an active role in your daughter’s life. She will benefit so much from your love, attention and all that you are teaching her.
I hope you browse the forums and add to the discussions that interest you. There are tons of parents and educators talking about many wonderful ways to stimulate their children, and we would love to hear your ideas and experiences!

I hope to see you around!

Thank you for the warm welcome and thank you to KL for starting this forum. I have also just ordered domans books. After reading all this information about right brain learning it makes so much sense. I can’t believe that this hasn’t become a national thing taught in preparenting classes. I am starting to think the United States is way behind the learning curve when it comes to education of our children. Also I know my daughter is only 8 months old but I’m already thinking about kindergarden…she’ll be so far ahead and board with the classes. We don’t really have Montessorri schools here so not sure what to do. I know this is way off in the future.

I agree that the U.S. is behind, especially in the state that I live in. We are like 49th in quality of education. That is one of the reasons that I think it is so important to teach my son everything I can. Have you visited the Montessori website? http://www.montessori.edu/index.html They have a search for schools in your area. I didn’t think there were any here, but there are a couple.

Hello, fellow Dad! :slight_smile:

You sound like the voracious reader I was when I first got into all this. Be careful, it might end up taking over your whole life too! lol

BTW, if you haven’t realized already (I’m trying to forewarn you of something which many of us have experienced), there are many people who will frown on what you do and have a negative reaction to it, so before you run around telling the whole world about it, you might want to keep the excitement to close people at least in the beginning.

Here’s some bedtime reading for you:


Hope you have a great time here! :slight_smile:

KL’s right! It will likely take over your life, but that’s not so much of a bad thing! :smiley:

This is really amazing groundbreaking stuff! I can’t believe that more people don’t know about this. I have only told my mother in law about teaching Ava to read. She thinks it’s awesome, but I do think she is skeptical. I won’t tell my father because he’s too judgemental and will tell me I’m crazy. I did some research and we have two Montesorri schools in my area and they both look excellent. Here is the one of them, http://www.qcms.org/ . Yes this is taking over my life and building an even better relationship with my daughter. Can you guys tell I’m excited?

Yep! Good for you! :biggrin:

Great to have you here! I wish my husband were as excited and passionate as you (ha ha ha). Oh well…no complaints I love him to death!!!

Well to tell you the truth I wasn’t as involved in her learning as I should have been when I was working 12 hour days. I’d usually read to her for 15 minutes a day and talk to her a lot but I didn’t think about any of this. I guess my recent unemployment is a blessing.

Welcome to the forums!!!

Wow! I should have my husband read this thread! He will be so excited to see that there are more dad’s getting involved and having an active role in early child education. In fact, my husband was the one who started my “obssession” in teaching our daughter. He was the one who had me listen to classical music when i was pregnant and he printed infant stimulation flashcards too when our baby was born. although i was a little bit disappointed because i found this site bu accident when lila was already 14 months old ( i always wish i had found it sooner!) – im elated that the people here in the forums are ones that dont laugh at the idea of teaching babies to read or to do math as early as possible.

It’s true what KL said – it will take over your life! lol Im a stay at home mom in the Philippines and my husband is in the US (but my baby and I will be moving there very soon) and my husband is working 2 jobs right now. But – we would talk everyday over VOIP (technology is amazing i thank God for it everyday) and he would tell me to make new category files for our daughter… lol Only trouble is - everytime I make a new cat file or download the ones uploaded in the site i have to translate it in Tagalog. My husband is Trinidadian who grew up in the States and speaks english and a little spanish. And my language is totally different! But I keep tellin myself its worth it!

Hope to see more of you in the forums!!! :slight_smile:

Yeah this is awesome and totally worth it. I had some friends who spoke Tagalog and it sounds difficult. I think I’m going to teach my daughter spanish as well as english my native language. Spanish will be easier because I have a lot of friends who speak it to talk to my daughter. For some reason I just feel like this right brain learning is a secret and something we should feel embarassed about to tell people but my urge is to tell everyone who has young children. It’s tough to not say something to them!