a group on facebook?

i’m thinking of founding a group on facebook so we can connect and share. so who’s in?

I am! :slight_smile:

I have a site ready to go…if you want to use it. Its a work in progress. I wasn’t going to mention it yet but hey since someone asked…
I planned to use it brag space, loading videos, achievements of little ones, and question answering space. The aim was a place to send people to show them what’s possible. What do you think?
Here is the link https://www.facebook.com/LittleKidsCan. There is absolutely nothing there yet, but there will be so feel free to get the ball rolling :slight_smile:
I could connect up a private group in it just for brillkids mums if you want. I am sure their are already other sites on face book doing this BTW I doubt I am the first…but I am not selling anything just sharing info.

I would love a group on facebook!

I would love to join