A Day in Your LIfe

I am just curious what other parents days look like. Anybody interested in sharing a sample of their day? I would love to see an hour by hour peek into other busy parent’s days. I know two days are rarely the same, it is just a brief overview.

Hi Krista
I wrote about a typical day with my baby on another post… I don’t really have the courage to type it again, so here is the link:

ok…here it is, I have a 14 months old baby girl.
8:30 am, she wakes up, I sing to her a good morning song in spanish then it is time to change her diaper, pijamas,and one bottle of milk(she stoped brestfeeding one month ago).
9: 00 am reading books, we read around 5 books in spanish.
9:30 am time to watch YBCR for 10 minutes(she wont go longer).
10 am breakfast time, yougurt,or cereal,and fruit.
10:30am flashcards time, we have 9 flkashcards in ASL , like mama,dad,eat,milk,water,more,I love you,book. she loves them.
then we do numbers flascard 1-10
next we do match animals game ( she loves it too)
then we do tracing time, we trace the letter C(from catalina,her name) with crayons.
11:00 am we do little reader in the computer(she loves computer) number,abc,animals,colours,parts of the body.
11:15 am we brush her teeth ,change her clothes(again) :smiley: (i love changing her clothes, it is like dress up a doll) get her ready to go and work with mommy to the pre school.
12:30 We get to the pre school,( I work there as a teacher) she plays with the kids, learns with them,she explores everything in my class.
2:00 pm lunch time everybody.
4:00 pm we came back home.
4-6 Pm NAP time for her.
6pm We take her to the park in summer, it is hot still and sunny,
7pm dinner
8pm bath and singing in the bath, she has ducks in her bath tub.
8:30m pm cuddle with her,playing time with mommy and daddy togheter,we run one after the other one, she likes that,she rides in daddys back, hide and seek,and dancing time, we all three dance.
9pm reading time dady read her and other 5 books and mommy read her 5 more books, we count how many butterflies she has in her decoration bedroom.
9: 30 pm we all brush ore theeth, hands,and face,cleaning her nose also.
10pm mommy and dady give her bottle of milk,sing to her kiss to her and say I love you…good night.

And MOmmy and daddy can finally lay down and read a book,or do some work… :laugh:

-While she is in the high chair we do YBCR flascards and we sign too.
-While she is in the car, she has YBCR flascards also and I tape flashcards in the car facing her also in the back of the driver seat. Every three days I change the flascards.
-I also play YBCR music cd in the car.

We usually have yoga on Tuesdays and we will start swiming lesson next month on thrusdays.

IF YOU have any other ideas that will help me to improve my routine, please let me know…I will really appreciate it.

OK.my situation is a bit different in that I live with friends and we take turns cooking. Some days I work and then somebody will take the kids from 8.15 till 6.00, or some days I cook dinner for everyone…

Normal day at home
7.00-7.20 We all wake up, have a cuddle and a story from their book (younger ones), get dressed, make beds…
7.45-8.15 breakfast and brush teeth
8.15-9.15 I read devotionals to them (geared to older ones this time),sometimes with a video clip or pictures,so the younger ones are moderately interested too…
9.30-12.00 school for older ones, I teach the younger ones with LR,LM, Ladybird readers (1 new page daily), writing and math workbooks, finally painting and cutting- their favorite. Sometimes a short (20min) educational video (one of Richard Scarry’s or similar) I find a 30min in-between to clean up.
12.00-1.00p.m. lunch, play time for them and clean up time for me :slight_smile:
1.00-2.30 nap time, I check my e-mail, look at BrillKids :slight_smile: and read my devotional. Sometimes there is more cleanups and laundry.
2.30-6.00 is not so regimented, but what happens during that time- snack, play in the yard, taking care of the rabbit, going to the park/playground, taking older kids to their classes and picking them up, smaller shopping, 30 min. Russian class (that hasn’t happened for a while). If I cook -4.30-6.00.
6.15 dinner
7.00 -8.30 winding down, bath, reading, playing a game or two- chess, cards, board games, 30min. a week non-educational PC, educational on computer, (either I or hubby might do dishes), sorting the laundry…
8.30-9.00 kids settle in bed
9.00 on time to catch up with each other, on-line, etc.etc.

ok, I’ll give it a go…
6:30 AM- I get up, make breakfast for my husband, kiss him goodbye, and do Bible reading, other reading, and plan out the rest of the day. (Sometimes if it’s nice outside, I might pull weeds for a while.)
9:00- Joel (2) gets up, uses the potty, gets dressed, and drinks a cup of milk.
10:00-Joel practices writing while I clean up the dishes
10:30-we do reading with LR, and Math with LM (he has a really long attention span for a 2 year old, so we sit there for an hour sometimes going back and forth from reading, math, and other online learning games).
11:00 or 11:30- I let him play piano as long as he wants to, and then we usually go for a long walk (He walks 1 mile with me pretty much every day), and we talk about what we see on the walk. (Not a whole lot since we live in a subdivision).
12:00-bathtime (every other day)
12:30- lunch time
1:00-3:30 nap time (sometimes I take a nap during this time as well, or I catch up on chores).
After Nap- we usually play with toys a little while, and read books.
About 5:00- I start making supper, and Joel plays in the kitchen.
6:30 or so is suppertime (about three days a week, my husband mows part of the lawn when he gets home, so supper is much later on those days.)
Between 8:30 and 9:00, we try to get Joel to bed, but a lot of evenings we’re out visiting our parents and stuff, so the bedtime is really hard to enforce.
That’s about it for now, but I’ve just been thinking how I’d like to encorporate a more structured activity time into the day. I’d be open to suggestions about what sort of activities 2 year olds enjoy.

Please keep on posting, I’d like to read what others are doing (especially with young babies)…

my day has changed dramatically since Ana has started going to school and I have started gym (yesterday only :biggrin: ) my daughter is 3.
6.30 - 8 am - go to gym
8.00-9.30 - prepare breakfast and get Ana ready for school. she takes upto an hour to eat food alone :unsure: we read some books while eating food.
9.30-1.00 - have breakfast and work at office (working on freelance basis at home)
1.00-2.30 - Ana’s lunch and sleep
2.30-5.00 - work
5.00-7.30 - play with Ana, take her to sand pit, part, cycling, etc
7.30-9.00 - cook. ana makes puzzles or plays with grains like rice, pulses etc. she sometimes makes small baby rolls for herself.
9.00-10.30 Ana’s dinner
10.30 - wrap up

I wasn’t aware of any early learning methods and could not utilise that time though we read a lot of books and played clay.

You guys are really lucky to be home mothers. I’ll need to work, hence will not be able to have a full day schedule with my daughter.

Feline, it is good to be reminded… At times when I think this is all too much and I’d love a break from my baby, I think of all the mums who are working and missing their little ones. I’m happy that I only work 2 days a week so I get to socialise and earn an income while still spending a lot of time with her. Would love to keep doing this for years!