A 12-year-old student is working toward degrees in physics and math at Florida I

Dear Everyone,

This is an amazing story! I hope to instill in my children a curiosity towards life and a love of learning. Enjoy! - Ayesha :slight_smile:

Posted on Sunday, 04.19.09

Pembroke Pines boy, 12, tackling a double major at FIU
A 12-year-old student is working toward degrees in physics and math at Florida International University – after taking his first class there two years ago.
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* Sky Choi: FIU's big man on campus is a 12-year-old


It’s Friday at Florida International University, which means a few things for Sky Choi: physics lab, Calculus II – and a trip to the game room.

For this 12-year-old, the youngest student ever to attend FIU, college is a long-awaited challenge and a daily adventure.

‘‘We have fun here,’’ he said as he prepared to start a work sheet on pistons, gases, and pressure with his lab partners.

Welcome to the world of Sky, who is taking a full course load of physics, calculus, and Chinese language classes at the university – and still finds time to play pool and table tennis in the game room at the West Miami-Dade campus.

A home-schooler who has a third-degree black belt in tae kwon do and is fluent in Korean, he is dual enrolled and officially finishing high school at the end of this semester.

When he starts classes in the fall as a full-fledged college student, he’ll have as many credits as a sophomore.

The Pembroke Pines preteen, who is classified as ‘‘profoundly gifted,’’ started taking classes there when he was 10.

‘‘I felt really, really small,’’ he said.

But Sky, whose given name is Sebastian Hanul Choi (his father is Korean, and his middle name means ‘‘Sky’’ in that language), says college is a good fit – even though he has to rely on rides from adults to get to and from campus.

Middle school, he said, ``would be painful. It just wouldn’t be any challenge.‘’

‘‘He’s really happy,’’ said his mother, Dana Choi. ``It’s made it so much easier because I know he’s being challenged, I know he has room to grow.‘’


She always knew her son wasn’t average.

When he was 3, he asked to leave a party so he could finish a math workbook.

Then there was the time he memorized the multiplication tables in one day.

When he was 4.

When he started fifth grade, Sky’s parents pulled him out of private school, where he had already skipped a couple of grades, and home-schooled him. He took classes online, used home-school curriculum, and went to Sunshine Learning Center in Margate, which caters to home-schoolers, for some high school-level classes.

‘‘When you have an 8-year-old begging you to go to college, you wonder: How could that be?’’ his mother said.

And when Choi, an attorney with Miami’s Holland & Knight law firm, learned that Sky could pursue dual enrollment with a university in Miami-Dade even though the family lived in Broward, she met with a representative from FIU and handed in Sky’s test scores.

He took his first class – Chinese language – at 10. The next semester was Chinese and pre-calculus. He added more the following semester, and now he’s taking 14 credits. His GPA is 3.83.

Before Sky took an introductory physics seminar this semester, he e-mailed this to the professors: ``It seems like I’ve been waiting a long time to finally get to study physics in depth. As you can imagine, it’s not easy to get the necessary math courses and high school science courses when your age is in the single digits.‘’


‘‘That’s the one that stopped me,’’ said Caroline Simpson, associate professor in the department of physics.

Simpson said Sky introduced himself like this before giving one presentation in the course: ``Hi, I’m Sky. I’m 12.‘’

‘‘And the whole room just cracked up,’’ Simpson said. ``That’s kind of his attitude. He doesn’t have any problem with it.‘’

His professors and classmates don’t appear to have any problem with it either.

‘‘He’s actually pretty popular in our school,’’ said Alex Brieto, 20, one of Sky’s lab partners. ``I mean, when have you seen a 12-year-old kid in college?‘’

George Walker is a theoretical physicist who serves as dean of the university’s graduate school and senior vice president for research development and graduate education.

He said he has seen many talented young scholars in his more than 50 years in the field.

‘‘But I have not seen any that would exceed the promise and the interest that Sky has at this stage,’’ Walker said.


Students who are profoundly gifted are known to learn at a rapid pace and understand complex ideas at an early age. They fall in the 99.9th percentile or higher on standardized and IQ tests.

The Davidson Institute for Talent Development, which serves those youths, has 1,400 ‘‘Young Scholars’’ between the ages of 5 and 18 around the country, including Sky.

Although the institute doesn’t track the number of young teens or preteens in college, it estimates that approximately a quarter of the students in the Young Scholars program take college courses.

‘‘They just have this insatiable need for constant mental stimulation,’’ said Jill Adrian, the institute’s director of family services. ``Which can make it tricky as a parent and an educator of these students.‘’


Sky plans to graduate from FIU with a bachelor of science in physics and mathematics when he’s 17. In addition to the double major, he also plans to minor in astronomy. He could finish earlier, but his family isn’t in any rush for Sky to leave home for graduate school. He’s set on the California Institute of Technology.

For now, his college experience seems to be everything he was hoping for.

‘‘It’s a comforting experience,’’ he said. ``Almost like a routine. It feels like I know the place.‘’

After school, Sky trains and teaches at Team Taekwondo in Doral, which his father, Byung Sam Choi, owns and operates. On Thursdays, his mom takes him to Aventura to play Go, a strategy board game.


And he devotes about two weekends a month to a charity he started called The List Kids, which supports children who are refugees from Iraq. His mom represents refugees through The List Project to Resettle Iraqi Allies, which aids those who are endangered because they helped the United States.

‘‘Here he is doing something that few others are doing and he’s doing it as a leader at such a young age,’’ said Kirk Johnson, founder of The List Project.

Sky’s age, and the difference between it and that of his fellow students at FIU, is not something that he dwells on.

‘‘Doesn’t even cross my mind,’’ he said.


That’s not uncommon for profoundly gifted students, said the Davidson Institute’s Adrian. Often, they get along better with ‘‘mental-age peers’’ than people their own age.

Back in the game room at FIU, Sky fit in like one of the gang when he joined a pool tournament with his lab partners and then squeezed in some table tennis before Calculus II.

Student Aleks Mihailitchenko, 25, met Sky in the tournament for the first time. He thought at first that the 12-year-old was there on a field trip, but was impressed when he found out Sky’s story.

‘‘Maybe he’ll cure cancer or solve the energy dilemma,’’ Mihailitchenko said.

For now, Sky doesn’t know what he wants to do as a physicist. He just knows the job would answer a lot of questions.

‘‘When you learn physics, you know what’s going on in the world,’’ he said. ``I’m very curious about how everything works.‘’


That’s incredible and definitely not the norm that he is fitting in so well. It will be interesting to see how he ends up in life. With such a positive attitude, I’d like to think that he will go far.

Wow, that story is amazing!! I am glad that he is doing well in school and getting along with other students much older than him.

yes, he is smart but what his emotional intelligence and emotions, seems quite well
a lot of intelligent child have some problem with interpersonal contacts and peer group…
but when they learn to be psychological superb it’s invalid I think

Shows the role of his parents, choosing to homeschool definitely helped to keep him challenged. :slight_smile:

wow thats great information. thanks for sharing the article.

Wow! This got me thinking…
The thought never even crossed my mind that my child could be gifted. In fact, I never knew about teaching babies any of the things mentioned in our forum until my son sparked an interest in reading on his own at 8 months and then after research I found out about YBCR, Doman, and then Brillkids. However, if you look at language development milestones for children, my son is off the chart. So now my question is - could my son be gifted? And if he is, what does that mean?

Actually I just thought that all babies have these abilities and we as parents have been lucky enough to find out and start teaching our babies at an early age. However, I’m sure that others would look at our children and think “gifted”.

So after reading this article I googled “The Davidson Institute for Talent Development”, which serves those youths, has 1,400 ‘‘Young Scholars’’ between the ages of 5 and 18 around the country, including Sky." But it left me with many more questions. It seems like the Young Scholars program has resources for parents of “gifted” children. Also that a child would have to apply and meet the requirements one of which was the Wechsler Preschool & Primary Scale of Intelligence – III (WPPSI-III) Standard score 150+ (99.9th percentile):
Verbal, Performance or Full Scale. I googled this and it says this test is given from age 2 1/2 and up.

Ok - so have any of you thought about or pursued having your child identified as “gifted”? At what age can this be done? If your child has been identified as “gifted” - is there a benefit to this for you as the parent or for the child for example extra resources, etc.?

I certainly wouldn’t want to put any pressure on my son and I really don’t want to “label” him. However, it seems that Sky’s parents have had the resources they needed to help their son pursue his own interests. More than anything I just want my son to have the enrichment he needs to pursue whatever his gifts and talents might be.

Wow that was an inspirational document. Sounds like he is a very itelligent but well rounded, emotionally stable young man.

I have not looked into “gifted schools” or special testing but my eldest daughters teachers all said she was gifted when she went to school. I didn’t use the Domain method to the fullest but a modified version that I developed. She read by the time she was two, was doing basic math, knew complex shapes, labeled hues of colours, and could identify and name various works of art, French Impressionist being her favorite. She has always found school to be very easy and enjoys it.

that is amazing.i hope my baby will be clever like this child.