7 Month Old First "Test" Recognizing YBCR Sight Words


**Upon re-watching it, I feel like it was rude what I said about it being too long. I guess I mean too long for my comfort level. We do other screen time stuff too (like Brillkids and the sparkabilities app) and for a baby her age, I like the short ones so it doesn’t result in too much total screen time.

What do you think??? Is it coincidence or does she recognize those words? It was pretty exciting! I was VERY surprised because we haven’t done much with the videos, or lately, with the words. When she was younger she played with them a lot, but now that she’s mobile, she is mainly just pulling herself up on furniture and crawling around.

My husband is now going to think she’s a genius. :wink: I’m not sure if I should show him all the other videos of 7 month olds doing the same.

In my opinion, she DEFINITELY knows those words. Congratulations Mom!
I remember I tried the same thing with my son when he was 7 months old, I showed him hand written cards with words from LR and he got everything correct before starting to sign them around 12 mos and reading them at 15 mos. So yes! Babies CAN read, LITTLE BABIES CAN READ. If you’re doing LM, you may be surprised that she knows her numbers as well :wink:

Regarding the length of YBCR, we didn’t always finish a video when watching. At 7 months old, they can be a bit long. We’d break into chunks and pick up approximately where we left off.

Keep up the work, this is only the beginning!

I can’t recall exactly how long we would go at 7 months, but a half hour in one sitting wouldn’t surprise me. The difference is we’d alter what we were doing (LR, LM, LMs, YBCR, Starfall Letters, etc) so that one single thing didn’t occupy the whole chunk of time.

These days we easily watch up to an hour or slightly more in one sitting and probably near 2 hours a day on our more heavy days (like today when he’s sick and other options are more limited).

If you’re doing the right things on the screen and making sure what’s on the screen is in CONTEXT (ie, can be understood by someone with a very limited vocabulary) then you don’t have to worry about screen time ruining your kid - it will actually benefit your child. This is obviously my opinion.

Great job! Doesn’t it feel amazing to see your LO reading! You can see her looking carefully to pick the right card ie reading them. I like your enthusiasm. It looks like you are both having fun. Joyful learning is the best. You are doing a good job of connecting the words to experiences - touching her nose, referencing her ball, etc. She is lucky that you are starting EL with her at such young age. Keep us posted on her progress, it is inspiring.