6 ways to help our children know (and love) themselves

This post (http://bit.ly/bZZlrr) is so TRUE because it addresses a parenting nuture issue beyond building an athlete, poet, musician or mathematician. It speaks to inner happiness and contentment, which is surely what we’re all after. And, of course, success will follow. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the link McDume. Karma to you!!


thank you so much for that! I try to let my kids have play time on their own anyway. It gives me a mental break :slight_smile: I think that is important to the kids as it is for me.

. :slight_smile:

What an awesome link. Thank you :biggrin:

I think her point is interesting but as said before there has to be balance.
On one hand it is important for a baby to be in contact, listen, play with his parent but also to have a space and time on his own and discover the wonders of life around him.

Here on the forum most of us parents emphasize the importance of early education and to do it while our child is receptive but again in this article they recomend to ‘Trust our child to keep choosing’. It says ‘We wait until our children ask to try a specific sport, hobby or lesson, don’t push our preferences on them, and allow them to quit when they are done’. What about having a schedule and trying to follow it without pushing, that is if our kid is willing to follow it with us.

All depends on the age and the situation but very interesting points that are good to have into consideration when the time is appropiate.

Thank you for the link. I guess we’re all just trying to do the best we can do. Incouraging without pushing.

I think it is definitely better to encourage making choices at an early age. Rather than saying ‘you have to clean your room’ try saying ‘would you like to clean your room now or after lunch?’ Then, once your child has decided, make sure they stick to it. It also can be encouraged while shopping. You could say, ‘you can get that one big toy, or these two little toys’.

Helping your child choose for themselves is an important life lesson that will help them out later.

Also, making sure your kids have lots of ‘parent’ time AND lots of free-play time will teach them independence and self confidence.

at least, thats how i see it. :smiley:

Right on, Goodnightmoon. Choices, so your LO feels empowered, means everything. Everyone wins.

I do think it’s alright to applaud a kid, though. My girl would as an infant learned to applaud herself for accomplishing something. I also tell her good job, too. I thinkthe matter is more about applauding her for something SHE wants to accomplish even if it doesn’t seem “important” to us, than not applauding her at all. Be joyful in her joy, and proud in her sense of accomplishment.
I also think it’s important to cheer kids on when they have done something we want to encourage, for example: using the potty. :slight_smile:

Wow! Thanks for the link, McDume.
And thanks for the tips, goodnightmoon.