6 months old- Black & White Flashcards or Color?

I made my son a black and white checkerboard on a piece of foam for visual stimulation a month or so ago (I call it his “brain board” lol ). I also see there are lots of B & W infant stimulation flashcards available for DL on this site.

At what age do babies typically stop benefiting as much from B & W stimulation? Is it once they’ve learned to “creep” as Doman calls the cross-pattern crawl on all fours? Right now my son rocks tremendously, scoots, and launches himself forward, but he hasn’t yet mastered full on crawling yet. I know Doman mentioned a correlation between improved vision and learning to crawl, but right now my son will watch baby signing time from across the room, makes exceptional eye contact from far away, so I think his vision is great even though he is not fully on the move.

Does the B & W stimulation still serve a purpose after the vision is that developed?

They are called infant stimulation cards, and they should be shown until about 4 months. After that, your baby should be able to see pretty well and you can start regular flash cards. Of course, there’s no harm if your baby likes looking at the black and white images.

I have seen that also red figures are shown from birth to month. Is it OK?
Can it be black white and red?
Anyone knows the age for viwing them?
Should we mention tha figure or something about it like squares, chess board or they are mostly abstract figures.?

Dear Lilyand Owens Mom

Even adults can benefit tremendously from black and white stimulation. The Rods are used to see black and white in our eyes, and the cones are used to see colour. Everyone needs stimulation of both rods and cones (preferrably on an ongoing basis).

So my recommendation would be to introduce coloured boards as well -definitely - to stimulate the cones, but do continue to stimulate your baby’s rods!