5yrs old daughter

I have a five.5 years old daughter who just came to live with me full time Jan 2008. She is behind in many areas. When I first met her she did not speak in full sentences and her speech was uncomprehensible. She had never been on an escalator, zoo, etc and had great fears. She was placed in a crib with a crib net til 2pm while mom did drugs. She did not receive a whole lot of attention and whatever she has learned has been from TV. She was still in diapers and drank from bottles and sippy cups. She learned her colors sumer of 2008 and is just getting shapes down. SHe is starting to learn numbers and some letters but her memory is next to nil. I would show her a letter and within a few seconds she has forgotten it. I don’t know if she has special needs or just due to environmental deprivation. Her two older sisters have caught up and can read now and doing really well in school. They are almost 8yrs old but their size is about 3, 4-5 yrs old. Any suggestions?

Stimulate that child! Play her music, sing songs, tell her stories, read her book, dance with her, and talk to her about everything. Don’t test her. Just fill up her little vessel as if you are filling an empty glass. Don’t expect anything back from her. When her cup is overflowing, it will begin to spill over.

View my blog at www.teachingbabytoread.com

I totally agree with Krista. Music, stories, movement–intellectual (and emotional) stimulation.

I would say: Do what you are doing - love her. It sounds like that child has not had the bonding she needs or the care and affection that any child needs. On top of that if drugs were involved you are never sure. Has she been to a doctor? It sounds like already she is in a catch up growth phase as far as all her development goes. Just keep giving love, care and attention and stimulate her.

Poor kid. She is so lucky to have you in her life. Has she been evaluated by a child study team? It might qualify her for some early intervention. My son has been classified and as result he received a free summer school program to help him catch up, as well as some special ed resources during the school year.

Good Luck, Lori

My sister’s step daughter is in the same boat as your little girl. Her father now has full custody, but for the first two years of her life she was left in the crib/swing all day long with no stimulation and erratic feedings while her mom drank/did drugs. She is three now and only speaks a few words and they are not in context, mainly just echos of what you say to her. She does not play with other children (her almost 5 year old sister or my sisters 3 year old). I would definately have her evaluated to see if you can qualify for special services. I think what you are seeing is likely a result of environmental deprivation. I would say give your daughter all the stimulation you can and hope that you undo the damage that has been inflicted.