50 Scholastic books for $50


I can possibly help you out if you are very interested. You can PM me and I can offer you a suggestion if you really want to receive the books. The special is not over. It is until October. I plan to call them shortly about getting a list of the titles.

I am quite furious right now. I’m sorry that I ever mentioned this promo. But I hope someone will be able to use it. My son is not even 3 yet, so of course, he cannot be considered “home-schooled” b/c he is not “school-aged”. So I cannot order. Here is the email I got.

So, just warning everyone that if you don’t have an official home school that is registered and if your child is not “school-aged”, you will not be able to order. Sorry guys. Nice to know that an educational company doesn’t believe in early learning.

[i]Thank you for your recent order from Scholastic Teacher Store. Many items that are found on the web site are only available to the school market, which is defined as traditional school (both public and private) and parents that home school children of school age. Due to the information that you have provided us we are unable to process your online order. You will receive an email informing you that your online order has been canceled. However we will process your order for the items that are not limited to the school market which will be sent to the address you provided.

We apologize for any inconvenience. [/i]

What a bunch of nonsense. They have products to sell that you want to buy. I just don’t get it. Isn’t that the purpose of business? To provide customers with goods or services? Every parent on this forum homeschools their child. You would think that instead of rejecting your order they would want to know how you found them and how all of these other people are contacting them now because of your post. Sorry for your frustration, Nhockaday. I feel it with you.

Guess you have to lie to get the deal…

That may be…but we all know that lying is wrong, right? Even if we believe they are wrong in their business practices.

— That’s my first sermon of the day…I’ll be passing an offering basket shortly :slight_smile:

Yeah, I sent a reply email. I’m wondering why they are passing up my $50? And I also said that I mentioned this offer on a very popular forum and that they probably got several orders b/c of it. You’d think they would just sell the items; they are a business after all. I understand that they are a teacher’s store and all, but I do homeschool so I should qualify no matter what my child’s age!

I put down “OurLastName” Academy as our homeschool. I wonder what flagged your order for further questioning? I am wondering if my order will be canceled or if I will get an email. Our “homeschool” certainly isn’t registered with them or any where else.

You’ll probably get an email like I did. Here was the initial email that I had to reply to
[i]Thank you for your recent Teacher Store order. We are unable to locate your school in our system. In order to complete your request we will need to verify the following information and all our accounts do require a phone number:

Scholastic Books and Teacher Store site legally operate in the school market only and sell to teachers. This is why we need your school, daycare, preschool or home school information. If you are not teaching, we can process the items on your order that are available to anyone. Just let us know your situation and answer the questions below as they apply to you.

Your full name
School name
School address, including zip code
School telephone number
Grades levels of school
Number of children in school

Type of School (If you have a home school-do your children attend any other school?)
School Principal or Director

To qualify for a home school account your children must be school age & not attend school else where.
We await your reply. And as always . . . Thank you for choosing Scholastic! [/i]

She got back to me an said my order would still be processed but through a different department. So if they start questioning you like they did me, just ask them to process it through the other department for the same price.

Did anyone get a list of books that are included?


I was wondering if the ones that already ordered it and received it, can provide me more information about the weight of the package. I need to check the cost of the shipment before order it.

Krista G: Karma to you for your suggestions.

Thank you in advance,

Kind regards,

It shows up somewhere. I think it’s 9 or 9.5 pounds.

I just want to offer to those who live abroad and have difficulty ordering or receiving items because of where they live I can receive packages for you and then send them off to you at cost, no extra charges added. You would just have to reimburse me for the shipping through Paypal or you I can charge your credit card for the total through my business.

I offer this because it is no trouble for me and because I lived in Belize for 12 years and I know how hard it is to get things sometimes. So just PM me if this is something you have need of.

Gilma, it seems that it would be too much to ship the books to you. It would be more than the cost of the books. :frowning:

Krista, karma to you, that can be such a great help to some parents who are abroad, we are in the States at the moment, but being living abroad for years I can definetly relate to that!

As far as offer goes, I found that getting specific books at the library sales or at the couple of consignment book stores that I know in the area, turned out to be a better deal, as I am able to get only the books I want and know that I need, and usually they come to less then a dollar per book, plus no shipping. But of course, if you are in the area where that is not available then this offer can be great.

This is just a thought

They asked me what grade my daughter was in and I very carefully replied that “She is at kindergarten level.” She IS at kindergarten level in just about everything, reading in particular. They gave me an account and that was it.

also… a mail fwd’ing service that might be useful for some.


went to the site and it said $178. i guess the sale is over now?

Hi DannyandAmy,

I think that you forgot to add the promotional code SDE. I had the same mistake the first time that I tried to check the promotion. When you click in the button “add to cart”, go to the cart and you will see that they ask:
Ready to check out?

  1. If you have a Promotional Code enter it here:

So, you enter it and you will see the discount.

I hope that my instructions help you,


I think the sale is good until October 1st? or sometime in October anyway.

Actually, I did just that. And even with the promotional code it was $178… right up to the point it was about to charge my credit card!

I will try again, though…