4yrs still not reading

Hi, my daughter is 3years plus, I started showing her flash card since she was 6months. I used Doman method and when she is not interested, I start using Monkisee video n flash card. I also read to her a lot . She loves book,But she still not showing any sign of reading.what to do? Pls help me. Thx


Firstly how old is your daughter exactly - 3 years and how many months? I ask because there really is a huge difference between a just turned 3 year old and an almost 4 year old and my advice would probably differ quite significantly.

Secondly when you say she is not reading what do you mean - can she identify any of the words you have shown her - if you were to ask her to choose between two flashcards would she choose the word you had asked for? And if so how many words can she identify.

How often have you been showing her these DVDs and the flashcards - have you done it everyday since 6 months, every day with large gaps, every weekday, every once in a while… etc How many different flashcards did you show her - assuming she could read them all what reading vocabulary should she have (how many words should she be able to read)
Have you ever shown her couplets or sentences or could you perhaps make some sentences for her out of the flashcards you have used and see if she can read them.

How is her speech - does she talk in full sentences? Are you trying to teach English or another language and what language do you speak at home? How much exposure to the language you are teaching in does she get?

Have you ever tried getting her to read words in other settings - words she has seen on flashcards that you can point out in other places (preferably in large print first and then later in book-sized print) - some children do have an issue with changing font and print size.

If you know she can read some words but she is not keen on reading books then have you helped her read them - it is unlikely that most children will just pick up books and start reading them (some do but most need help) - you need to know if she knows about reading top to bottom and left to right. You need books with large print and the words she is used to and you need to read with her - you read some words and then ask her to read only one or two words gradually increasing this. Its ok if you use the same book and she seems to memorise this - you will still be making progress.

And finally you may need to start an early phonics programme and see if she can blend basic CVC words (c-a-t etc) At early age three I would do all blending for her for months until she is able to give you the word herself after you have given her the letters. You can also use Reading Bear to do this.

Look forward to hearing your responses to all the questions.

Hi, thx for the reply,my daughter is now 3yrs 3month, she can identify the words when I showed her but after a few months she couldn’t .i don’t know whether she totally forgot or doesn’t want to show me, scared that I will ask for more.

I started when Doman flash cards when she was six, after a while she lost interest so I quit, then I started again with Monkisee when she was one year old.she really like it because got picture on the flash cards.she learns a lot form the prog. During that time when tested she can identify the words but same problem she can’t tell me the word after a while. I never use couplets or teach using sentences. Currently I’m using whiteboard to teach her alphabets and words.she seems interested, but when I tested she can’t read the words.

We speak English and Tamil in house, her English is very good compare Tamil, sometimes her vocab is better than me. I think I want restart back Monkisee prog with her, what you think about that?
She loves books and wants us to read to her, basically will read story books on the nap time and also at night.i will use the same book for a week, where she can memorize the story,sometimes she can tell some of the words.Besides that she will pick her favorite book and try to tell us but actually she cant read it.
Already reading about Reading Bear, can u elaborate about it? Pls help me, thx

I would recommend starting to use some phonics programs. Not all kids learn to read with the sight work method. If she knows the letter sounds I would go straight into a phonics program. The two best I have used starting at age 2 would be either “readingeggs.com” which is an online program that is very fun and progresses nicely while really solidifying a reading foundation. The other is a book called “The ordinary parents guide to teaching reading”. This is a book with scripted lesson plans. It is very comprehensive, but easy enough for a bright 2 year old. I would advise skipping the first half of the book (letter sounds) and going straight to the second half. If she doesn’t know her letter sounds I would use leapfrog’s “The letter factory” or preschool prep meet the phonics letter sounds. She’ll do great but not every kid learns the same way so you may need to try a different approach.

I do not think your daughter has a problem with sight words since you say that she did recognise them - it sounds like you did not keep showing them to her - repetition is fairly important - the reason the 100 top sight words are known as sight words is because they are so frequently repeated which means once you have learnt them you will keep seeing them and so you will not forget them. I probably would repeat the Monkisee DVDs and she should remember the words faster this time, however you do need to get your child reading books to remember them and there I would advise both a phonics and sight word approach. I used The Ordinary Parents Guide with my daughter howvere I did not use it as suggested - I taught the rule myself and then used the word lists to create my own lists by writing them out big - bigger font is less intimidating to a young child than the font used in that book. At the same time as I did the phonics I also taught sight words by having my daughter read the Ladybird Key Words series (NOT the c series - only the a and b series for such a young child) then I also pointed out the phonics words in books I was reading to her and anywhere I saw them. Repetition is key here.

Finally you need to just keep showing her and not testing too much - you do need to know what is going on but many phonics programmes expect a lot of talking from a child who may feel intimidated by the constant testing - try to find something where you still tell her a lot without expecting much - most 3 year olds will eventually show you though it may take a few months. As far as blending goes some children do learn it fast and others take much longer (some do not learn blending til 5 or 6 years old even) but I find that parents who blend constantly for their children have children who learn to blend by themselves much faster.

For further programmes I would also advise reading eggs, starfall and leapfrog. You need to surround your daughter with print all the time - it is better to do a few minutes everyday then a long course and then nothing else for ages.